Monday, March 7, 2011



Just left the Doctor's office and it seems that I have a small problem going on with my right thumb.  This thumb is actually totally numb at the moment. 

The doctor gave me a big shot at the base of the thumb, so I can't feel it at all right now. 
Oh yes, the shot hurt like crazy, but one good thing is that my thumb feels great at this moment.

My weekend was fabulous....One grandson turned 15 on Saturday, two grandsons were selected as ALL-STARS for the Little Dribblers Basketball team  (more on this coming up on a later post), Spent half a day Sat...and most of the day on Sunday at First Monday (more on this later in the week), and spent the night at a hotel in Dallas last night!

It is cold outside, but the sun is shining, so we have much to be thankful for!

On our way home and I am waiting with great anticipation for the rest of our Blessings today.

Shug Sez.....

Looking forward to getting home and catching up on all of your post...Have a good one!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Great Day....

This is certainly a beautiful Sunday, here in good ol' East Texas. The shining brightly, the birds are singing sweet melodies, and I am Praising God,.... for HE is worthy to be Praised!

I am actually on my way to Dallas today...I have an early morning appointment with the doctor who did my hand surgery!  Just having a small problem with the right hand, but I have confidence that it can be fixed.

I wasn't able to attend church this morning but I still am able to give God the Honor and Glory that is He

Already this day, I have seen beautiful red birds sitting upon the beautiful budded tree branches.  Every time I see a red bird, it reminds me of a saying that my friends and I used to say in the younger days.  (Red Bird, Red Bird, fly to the right....I'll see my fella before tonight).....Crazy?  yes Crazy!

I have also seen longhorn cattle grazing in the beautiful green pastures, red bud trees in the brightest of colors, and forsythia plants adorning their brightly yellow bonnets.

So much beauty that surrounds us each day....What an AWESOME GOD we serve...
Thank you LORD!!!

Shug Sez....

Enjoy the Blessings of this Day!!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

And....We're Walking....

Today is a very special day.....Our oldest grandson is 15 today!!
Happy Birthday Tyler!!!

Did you know that "Walking" is the simplest way to improve your fitness level? 

We have been walking at the High School track for over a month now...of course, the weather has slowed us down somewhat....But, I must say that the time we have spent walking around and around has made me feel much better......I seem to have more energy!

There are so many advantages to walking and it really is something that almost all of us are able to do.....I definitely believe that it reduces stress and anxiety and from what I have read, new studies are showing that regular walking  is also good for the brain and it can actually slow down the onset of Alzheimer's....

I have lost seven pounds and I have kept it off, but I need to see the numbers on the scales move further down!  way, way down....!  In other words, I haven't gone out and bought myself any of those cute little Nike' atheletic shorts and tops yet.....Found a real cute purple and lime green outfit the other day, but I don't want to look like a plumped up grape, so I better just concentrate on shedding a few more pounds before I try dressing in style!

Aside from being able to lose weight while walking, it really does feel great to get out there and enjoy the outdoors.  Spending time outdoors seems to boost my mental attitude and it's great to enjoy the company of our friends that are walking with us....

There truly are so many benefits when sticking with a walking plan. Did you know that you can boost your bone density and stave off osteoporasis, just from walking?

I do want to live a long life, so perhaps I had better get to walking....think I'll go for 3 miles today!!

And we're WALKING!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

I'm A Camera Rookie

Hey Ya'll......what's happening today?

Today, I am camera shopping and it's all your fault....

I can definitely tell that the pictures you all are  posting on your blogs were not taken with a "Throw-a-way Kodak Camera"

So come on.....FESS up and tell me what kind of camera you are using.

There must be a hundred mac-A-million camera's out there, but I need a good one that does it all for you. 

This phone camera.....???

The Kodak Easy old camera.
Just doesn't do it for me....

This is my newest camera, the Sony.  When we bought this camera, my focus was on getting something small enough to tote in my purse.  This one certainly does not accomplish what I was hoping for in quality pictures.

This is Sam's camera.....A great camera if I simply want to document the life and times of my family!  I'm looking for more than this camera is able to offer.  I need a "Face burst rate" .....A camera that will capture sports pictures and subjects that are moving quickly.

I played around with these cameras yesterday afternoon, and this is what I got.

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE My license plates!!

Meet "Bella" 

Miss Bella has been playing outside with the kids.....Check out those teeth~

Can you guess what this is.....

See...I do need a new camera.  One that will capture the picture of the "Woodpecker" that is having a good time on our tree.

A beautiful Tulip Tree!

Oh goodness....this is much better!

These two were really posing it up for me.....Trey is the fisherman, and as you can see, Tori is the FISH!

Check out the buds on the tree.....

These pictures are all good, but I'm looking for something with a great Macro Mode! 

I have heard that the Macro lens EF is great....but what kind of camera do you purchase to use with this lens? 

 I am so confused!  I know there are all kinds of camera's out there.....and I'm not looking to purchase a Professional type of camera that cost thousands..   I just want a good camera that takes super great close up pictures and all I need to do is push a button!!

So.....send me some comments!  Let me know what kind of camera you think takes the BEST Pictures....
Hey, I'm counting on you!

Shug Sez......

I..... "Need a little help from my friends!"

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Singing Myself Happy!

Let's talk about FOOD today......  No, I'm not cooking. {I tried cooking this week, but my hands are just not as well as I thought they were...I can't even open a can of green beans}  What I'm talking about today is a particular food that has left a deep memory embedded in my mind.  Let me tell you about my story of the famous "Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich."

Should I put myself out on a limb and tell you about it?  Will my story cause you to dislike me, or think of me as a mean person?  I sure hope not!  Just consider it a funny.....

My Story is about a simple, little Ol' Peanut Butter and Jelly {Open Faced}

Geez....I love these things!

You see.....I have two wonderful brothers that I absolutely adore.  My brother David is 3 years younger than me, but I refer to him as my older brother!
My younger brother is Joe and he is four years younger than David.

{Little math quiz here:  How much older am I than Joe?}

Well, many years ago when I was maybe 13 and David was 10, we had a very difficult time getting along with one another.  I liked listening to the radio and he liked sitting around watching cartoons!  { Of course, way back then most families had only one television}

On this particular afternoon,  mom had an appointment and we {the kids} were going to stay home and get some of our chores done.  David and I had been fussing most of the afternoon over the radio and the TV.
As quickly as I would turn the radio on, David would turn IT OFF.  AND...just as fast as he woud turn the TV on, I would turn IT OFF..   Back and forth, this must have gone on for over an hour. 

Finally, with no interruptions.....the radio was on and I was singing myself happy,  making myself an OPEN FACED peanut butter and jelly sandwich...
All was well........................Until David decided to touch my radio AGAIN.
Suddenly, the music stopped and the yelling began.  He stepped into the kitchen and yelled something in my face, and that was all it took.  He never even saw it coming, and neither did I.

Out of no where, I took that open faced sandwich that was covered, and I mean covered with PB and J, and the next thing I knew, I was SMEARING my delicious sandwich right into his face.  {Yes, I know this was a mean thing to do}

I wanted to laugh, but I kept a straight face and said something like "How about that" .................Little did I know that standing right beside him was a WET MOP!!

{You already know what is fixing to happen don't you}
WOP......out of no where....came a wet mop slapping me upside the head!

Needless to say....when our parents got home, we were in Big trouble.
Not only did we get a spanking, but we had to hug each other every single day for what seemed to be FOREVER!  I don't think we ever fussed again.  Our relationship today is wonderful... We are very close.

Throughout the years, we have told this story over and over again. We have laughed and our kids have laughed.   What a story!  What a memory! our case, Every time the Peanut Butter and Jelly comes out......We think about this story!

What memories do you have of food and do any of you have stories to tell?

Shug Sez......

I love the old stories of our childhood years!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Magical Colors of HOPE!

Spring....Oh, the beautiful signs of Spring!

Yesterday was a beautiful day.....The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the squirrels were playing their usual games of chase.  Pictures of Spring were all around and I could see the season of Hope bursting forth.

The deep South is waking up from it's long Winter's nap. Tender shoots are beginning to push their way up through the soil and we are seeing the promising Hope of a bright and colorful future.

The tiny blooms from our "Red Bud" tree.
This tree will soon be arrayed with dazzling colors
of reds and pinks.  It simply amazes me how fast these tiny blooms spring forth.   

The un-wanted weeds are breaking forth with tiny flowers

The Beautiful Red Camellia Bush
and the sun shining through.

A field of clover....Can you see the tiny bird?

Four leaf clovers ??

You know Spring is near when you see fields of clover!

The signs are everywhere!  God is sending us the magical colors of Hope.....

God has a plan.......
Just as the storms of this beautiful season brings forth the rain to water and nurture the Spring Gardens, we too shall experience the storms of life.....But....God is near and we too can have the Hope of a rich harvest.

Spring is a sign of the extraordinary love that God has for each of us.  We need to open our eyes and begin to notice the remarkable beauty of His Love!!!!

Shug Sez.....

Hope you will take time today to Praise God for the beauty that surrounds us!

Birthday and Dresses

Not much going on around here today... We do have a Birthday girl in the Family 🎂        And just like that ...... she is now 17 💛        ...