Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Magical Colors of HOPE!

Spring....Oh, the beautiful signs of Spring!

Yesterday was a beautiful day.....The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the squirrels were playing their usual games of chase.  Pictures of Spring were all around and I could see the season of Hope bursting forth.

The deep South is waking up from it's long Winter's nap. Tender shoots are beginning to push their way up through the soil and we are seeing the promising Hope of a bright and colorful future.

The tiny blooms from our "Red Bud" tree.
This tree will soon be arrayed with dazzling colors
of reds and pinks.  It simply amazes me how fast these tiny blooms spring forth.   

The un-wanted weeds are breaking forth with tiny flowers

The Beautiful Red Camellia Bush
and the sun shining through.

A field of clover....Can you see the tiny bird?

Four leaf clovers ??

You know Spring is near when you see fields of clover!

The signs are everywhere!  God is sending us the magical colors of Hope.....

God has a plan.......
Just as the storms of this beautiful season brings forth the rain to water and nurture the Spring Gardens, we too shall experience the storms of life.....But....God is near and we too can have the Hope of a rich harvest.

Spring is a sign of the extraordinary love that God has for each of us.  We need to open our eyes and begin to notice the remarkable beauty of His Love!!!!

Shug Sez.....

Hope you will take time today to Praise God for the beauty that surrounds us!


  1. G'mornin', Shugar Shug,
    Wow, ya'll are way ahead of us out here in West Texas on all the SPRING. It's staying pretty warm so green things will slowly begin to appear, I think.
    All of your spring looks so pretty.
    xo bj

  2. I am back to see the rest of your beautiful post.
    Love all your fabulous photos..especially the SON shining thru the flowers. :)

  3. Wow! such Beauty for sure Shug!! Love your photos! I just traveled up North with my MOm to attend a funeral.....It was soooo cold .....high was 5 degrees and snow was everywhere! I did not dress appropriately at all LOL

    Sooo glad to be home where the temps are in the 60's today :) WOOHOO

    Have a blessed day and happy SPRING!

  4. Wonderful pictures, Shug!!! I love the clover field, and do see the little bird in the exact middle!! Upon enlarging, he looks like a sparrow. Now those clover close-ups, are they from that field? Because they look kind of like shamrocks to me. We have shamrocks, and sometimes it is hard to tell the difference. I love that big red camelia!!

  5. Beautiful colors! We are starting to "green up" here, but just a tad!

  6. Hi Shug, WOW--you really are having alot of spring already. We are just beginning --but it is exciting, isn't it?????

    Love your redbud and camellias. Gorgeous!!!


  7. Hi Shug!

    What beautiful pictures! They really do give me hope that Spring will come and replace the snow that is still on my lawn! I did see that tiny bird, trying to hide in the clover... ;0)Your Camellia bush is absolutely gorgeous! I can hardly wait to have flowers in my yard!

    Thank you for sharing God's beauty with us today!



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