Sunday, March 6, 2011

Great Day....

This is certainly a beautiful Sunday, here in good ol' East Texas. The shining brightly, the birds are singing sweet melodies, and I am Praising God,.... for HE is worthy to be Praised!

I am actually on my way to Dallas today...I have an early morning appointment with the doctor who did my hand surgery!  Just having a small problem with the right hand, but I have confidence that it can be fixed.

I wasn't able to attend church this morning but I still am able to give God the Honor and Glory that is He

Already this day, I have seen beautiful red birds sitting upon the beautiful budded tree branches.  Every time I see a red bird, it reminds me of a saying that my friends and I used to say in the younger days.  (Red Bird, Red Bird, fly to the right....I'll see my fella before tonight).....Crazy?  yes Crazy!

I have also seen longhorn cattle grazing in the beautiful green pastures, red bud trees in the brightest of colors, and forsythia plants adorning their brightly yellow bonnets.

So much beauty that surrounds us each day....What an AWESOME GOD we serve...
Thank you LORD!!!

Shug Sez....

Enjoy the Blessings of this Day!!!


  1. Since I am a new follower, I don't know about your hand surgery, you will have to send me a link or tell me when and why you had it. I hope the problem will turn out to be minor and easily solved.

  2. Hope things go well with your appointment.

  3. This is a post to put me into the praise mood. We truly do have so much to be thankful for.

  4. Good luck with your appt.
    Enjoy the view.


  5. Hi Shug, OH --I hope your hand will be okay... I know you had hoped that the surgery would help. What is going on with that hand???? You can email me...

    I still haven't done anything about mine. So far, they are not too bad and I am living with them... Eventually I may have to do something though...

    Prayers for you....

  6. Hi Shug, lovely thoughts today. Hope your hand can be fixed ASAP. Sorry it is still bothering you. I have some blog reading to catch up on when I have time. Hope to be back to see you soon and that you have good news about your hand! Hugs, Cheryl

  7. We are still stuck in winter here, so thank for the view!
    Redbird means love to me and God always sends one just at the right moment.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Something New

  If you've ever wondered just how much of a Texas twang I might have, today is your day to find out.  I recorded this little video this...