Friday, July 26, 2024

 What do you do when it is raining ☔ and you have come one thousand, six hundred and seventy one miles to swim in Shug's pool??  You swim in the rain!

We have had some very uncertain weather this Summer.  I'll be honest....the Summer months here in Texas can be brutal with not only the heat, but the humidity as well.  I love June, July, and August, because my kiddos are out of school.....BUT the 100 + degree days are miserable.  

Our California kids have been looking so forward to coming to Pops and Shug's house, as they were excited about being able to swim with cousins.  They arrived late on Wednesday evening and were up and ready for the pool by 10:00 AM yesterday morning.  RAIN...RAIN...and more RAIN was falling which left a few frowns on their faces.  

Rain drops can't stop this crew!!  What did they all do?  They swam in the rain!!  It rained all day, with a small break around 4:00.  How about a night swim??  Yep....they went swimming again last night around 9:00 and stayed in until the timer on the lights surrounding the pool turned off.  I LOVE IT!!  

As most of you can probably tell....I post a whole lot about family.  One thing I enjoy about having my blog made into books each year, is that I forever have the memories that we can look back on.  

                                   (What you do between with toys and lego's)

For lunch yesterday, we had fried chicken, creamed potatoes, fried okra, Mac and cheese and sweet Southern tea.  The day before, I made Texas Sheet Cake cookies....(they are all gone!)

Just saw the weather report for the upcoming week....more Rain expected.


Happy Friday to you all.  You all are Awesome!!


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Special Note

One thing that I love about life is the unexpected things you come across on any given day.  

I was doing a little cleaning and I ran across this piece of paper that our grandson sent to us over 8 years ago.  He sent it while he was in basic training.  This was probably sometime around his 6 weeks of being there...... and of phone calls home can be made.  

Talk about some tears.....I had many of them that day!  

Matthew 7 provides profound insights into building a life of strength and resilience, much like an old oak tree.  At this particular time in Tyler's life, he was in a trial of life.  I mean, basic training is tough and for a young man who had never been away from home before, this was quite a challenge.  

"Strength and resilience, much like an old Oak tree...."

This refers to grounding oneself in Jesus' teachings and exercising great wisdom and discernment.  We are to adhere to the Golden Rule, and maintain a strong prayer life in order for us to develop a faith that withstands the trials of life.  

Oak trees stand tall and firm, and I believe that Christians are called to embody strength as well as stability, with unwavering faith.  We draw sustenance from the spiritual roots and by doing so we support one another in their journey of faith.   

It has always been mine and Sam's belief that as parents and even grandparents, that we have a unique and vital role in building a strong Christian foundation for our family.  And just like the old oak tree with deep roots , we can provide stability, wisdom and nourishment through our kids faith by being a good example.  As grandparents, we can live a lasting legacy of faith that will hopefully, will not only sustain our kids and grandkids, but will also help them grow into strong, faithful Christians, who can stand firm in their beliefs, no matter what life brings.  

I will always hold on to this note that Tyler sent us!  Perhaps there will be a day when one of our loved ones comes across this note and they will feel encouraged in their journey.  


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

"The charm of a painted floral fence lies in tis ability to transform an ordinary barrier into a gateway of vibrant expression."

I love how this old ragged wooden fence has been valued with just a bit of paint and some imagination.  

So much of our world is obsessed with the new and the novel.....however, I find profound beauty in the uniqueness of taking something old and giving it a new life.   (After all....this is what happens to a new believer of Christ.  God takes the old ways from us and gives us NEW life!)

This old fence could have easily been discarded, but someone saw what it could be and made something beautiful.  I love how with just a little imagination, we can turn the ordinary into something extraordinary.  


Today, I am looking forward to our California kiddos coming home for a few weeks.  They have not been home in 2 years, and this is exciting for all of us.  
This will be the first time in about 4 years that our oldest daughter will have all three of her grown kids and their families home at the same time!!



"Floral fences are like open invitations, welcoming passersby to pause and appreciate the harmonious blend of artistry and the natural world.?

Shug. 🌼🌼🌼


  What do you do when it is raining ☔ and you have come one thousand, six hundred and seventy one miles to swim in Shug's pool??  You sw...