Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Words in my Jar

 My jar was filled with so many wonderful and uplifting words which came from each of you...

Amazing moments fill the air, 

Caring hearts are always there.

Grateful souls embrace each day,

Mirthful laughter lights the way.

Cheerful voices spread delight, 

Joy makes every burden light. 

Marvelous wonders life imparts, 

smiles bring warmth to weary hearts. 

Sunshine brightens cloudy skies, 

surprises come in love's disguise. 

Dear ones make the journey sweet, 

Tender kindness can't be beat.

Care is shown in all you do,   

Kind hearts Bring joy and comfort too.  

I will add one more word......Amazing!

You are all Amazing!!

Today:   Rain and cold temps!

           Much needed Hair appointment

           Playoff Basketball Game

           Subway sandwich for dinner

"Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is

excellent in others belong to us as well."  Voltaire



Monday, February 17, 2025

Ah, Monday

Ah, Monday!  You are here!!  

Update for my sciatic pain:  I am feeling much better this morning.  I spent the entire weekend...pampering my leg and it seems to be working.  Thank you all for the prayers.  

We are expecting an arctic front this week.  Our current conditions are sunny skies with temperatures around 30 degrees. 

I know this is no comparison for those of you who are in the negative degree zones.  

Sam spent a good bit of the day yesterday, covering most of our plants and covering the pool pump.  We had to uncover them just last week when the temps reached into the upper 80's.  Had we not uncovered the plants, they would have burned.

Tuesday through Friday, our morning lows are expected to be in the teens and the 20's.  

This weeks meals:   COMFORT FOODS!



Chicken Stew...

And of course....Cast Iron skillet Cornbread.

Happy Monday Friends...




Sunday, February 16, 2025

What in the World?


What in the World??   Where did this come from??

I woke up Saturday morning and could 
barely walk.  

Never have I had Sciatic pain before, but somehow it showed up.  

My Saturday was spent with me sitting on a heating pad, using Ice packs, and taking 
Motrin and Tylenol. 

I'm guessing this nerve is irritated, which is causing pain to radiate down the back of my leg and even behind my knee.  

I read where rest, cold and heat therapy, stretching and gentle exercises, along with over the counter pain relievers is what I need to be doing to relieve the pain.

this morning..... the pain is not as intense!
Thank goodness.  

I guess today will be another day of rest.



Saturday, February 15, 2025

Saturday News!

 Shug.... here on this beautiful, rainy, Saturday morning. 

Last Saturday morning, it was a bright sunshiny day with temps in the 80's.  Today, we have rain and low temps in the 30's.

This next week the weather guys are predicting the coldest weather of the season for us.  Wouldn't you know it......We uncovered the pool last weekend, we took away the covering for the pump, and we uncovered many of our plants.  

Oh well..... it is easy to cover these things back up.  And....if we had left the insulation on the plants and trees, they most likely would have burned up from the high heat of 86 degrees last weekend.  


In other news.....Sam and I ended up going out to eat last evening.  We went to a favorite place "1836" and had an EARLY dinner.  We got there at 4:30 and were able to enjoy a nice quiet dinner.  He had Quesadillas and I had Fried Green tomatoes, topped with Pimento Cheese.  

I do love me some Fried Green Tomatoes.
I did not eat the pickled onions, as I do not like onions at all.  They did make for a pretty dish.  

We also had the famous Crawfish Queso! 

This little cast iron pan skillet is filled with the most delicious, super yummy cheese dip, and it it loaded with crawfish tails.  

This place is not super fancy, but it is "THE PLACE"  for the night scene life.  Of course, we categorize ourselves as the "Early Dinner"

I leave you all with a photo of our sweet baby boy.  This photo speaks pure LOVE.  

How Beautiful it is that we are loved by the source of love itself....


Words in my Jar

  My jar was filled with so many wonderful and uplifting words which came from each of you... Amazing moments fill the air,  Caring hearts...