Friday, December 6, 2024

Carriage Ride

How long has it been since you have enjoyed a nice date with your spouse?  Sam and I had a "Date Night" last evening and let me tell you, it was a COLD date!  lol...

By saying it was a cold date, I mean that the crisp Winter air bit our cheeks and we quickly realized we needed to have worn some warmer clothes, some gloves and I needed a toboggan!  

Sam and I climbed into a horse-drawn carriage, and enjoyed a twenty minute ride, viewing several homes that were decorated beautifully for Christmas. 

I so enjoyed listening to the clatter of the horse hooves as they traveled down the Old Brick Streets of this Historical Area.  The brick streets are absolutely gorgeous, but seeing the reflection from the Christmas lights, beaming onto the bricks, made the streets glisten.  The stars above, the lighted homes and the streets much better could it get?

How thankful we were to have remembered to bring a blanket, which helped to shield us from the cold air.  It was fun to wrap up in the blanket with my sweetie.

Our driver was very knowledgeable about the history of many of the old homes.  He also shared a few stories from his customers over the past years.   He was telling us about an older couple who came for a carriage ride to celebrate their 61st anniversary.....the older gentleman had a bouquet of roses that he gave to the wife.  The gentleman proceeded to tell the carriage driver that he had ordered these "Special" roses from "New York" and not only did he have to pay a huge price for the roses, but he had a big shipping cost as well.  (Can you imagine the shipping cost for a next day delivery from 1800 miles away?) When the roses arrived, there was a tag inside the box that said that the roses were grown in Texas, in the very city where the couple lived!!   He most likely could have saved a LOT of money had he shopped locally.  

I enjoyed everything about this wonderful carriage ride....Hopefully Sam did too!!  LOL
I am more of a dreamer and the ride to me, felt like a step back in time...simple and perfect!

After the ride, we had dinner at a local sandwich shop.  A hot cup of Fire Roasted Veg soup warmed me up....
The evening was a COLD but beautiful journey through a glowing Christmas Wonderland...
A night of sweet memories for sure.




  1. Awe, what a sweet story. I know Sam enjoyed it. I am with you on the cold though. I don't know why I am so cold this year, but I am. I am glad you had a cold date. It has been a while for Rick and me. lol Fire roasted veggie soup sounded just the thing to warm you up!

  2. What a splendid idea! One of my bucket list items is a horse-drawn carriage ride in Central Park, but I don't know that will ever come to fruition. Funny story about the Texas-grown roses ... I wonder if they didn't come from Tyler?

  3. This sounds like a perfect evening! We did a carriage ride when we were in Charleston and decided it's the best way to see a city. The drivers give so much information, and I feel like you - that you're stepping back in time. I'm so glad you got to do this!

  4. A Christmas memory to last forever!!! I think my favorite photo is the one of the double wreaths on the garage, and of course the carriage!

  5. I would love to ride in that buggy and see all that beauty, I love old homes and I might could stand the cold that long. ha ha... great idea for a date night and the photos are beautiful. that is a precious memory photo of the two of you. love it

  6. What a magical night, Shug, with the carriage, the bright lights in the historic part of town, and the dinner afterwards. It all sounds wonderful. I went on a carriage ride many years ago in Old Sacramento, and it was such a fun experience. It was during the summer, so not as cold as what you had. And one of the first pictures I ever developed in the dark room was a horse and carriage in Old Sac. There's nothing like a carriage ride. The lights look so pretty all lit up in this old part of town. So pretty. What a memorable night for you, Shug.


  7. Such a romantic date, Shug! Thanks for sharing your story and the lovely photos, too. And next time? Bundle up! Blessings!

  8. You had a romantic carriage ride, I love it. Now I want one. Maybe 10 years ago I enjoyed one in our downtown area. Such fun, like a step back in time.

  9. It's been a LONG time since I've had a date night. Yours sounds like something out of a Hallmark movie. Glad you had a nice time.

  10. That sounds like so much fun. The last time
    I was in a horse and buggy was Central Park. Before that was Disneyland. lol. I think I’d prefer your way the best because it was at night - and had the ambiance of romance. You had me with the clatter of the horses hooves on the cobblestone street. I like that sound too.

  11. Oh what fun! And totally romantic. No horse carriage rides in Southern California, But I will enjoy your date night. Loved the pictures. Sorry I've visited in a while, must go back and read your older posts. Love and Hugs

  12. Such a lovely post, my friend. And such a good idea to have a date night. The picture of you and your man! Have a cozy, Christmasy weekend, my dear friend!

  13. Hi Shug~ Oh my goodness, what a fun night!! I love the photo of you and Sam, what a beautiful couple you guys are! I haven't been in a horse drawn sleigh for many, many years, it sounds like a blast! The soup sounds like the perfect ending to a perfect night ;0) Hugs, Barb

  14. Thank you for the many smiles. Wishing you a lovely weekend, smiles.


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