Saturday, December 7, 2024

The Chateau.

Woo hoo!!  Saturday morning is here!  I so enjoy the weekends.  

Yesterday, I had the privilege of attending a play performed by the residents of the community facility where my niece, Tammy, resides.  

This was a murder mystery titled "The Chateau" and it appears that one of the guest had murdered a professor, who was also a guest at the Chateau.  

The cast in the play had all been rehearsing and memorizing their parts for several weeks, and it was clear that there had been a lot of dedication given from each cast member.      

The story unfolded at an elegant Chateau, where a group of intriguing characters gathered for a weekend retreat.  In the dinner hall, while waiting for the meal to be served, the Professor collapsed after taking a drink of his beverage.  A sharp-witted detective was called in to investigate this possible murder  and he was determined to solve the mystery. 

There were accusations and clues planted throughout the narrative, and I will say, the actors did an excellent job at keeping the audience guessing WHO was the guilty one. 

I was so surprised when the detective revealed, that the culprit behind the poisoning of the professor, was none other than "Lizzie," played by my niece, Tam.  She was arrested and hauled away by the police!

Tam portrayed her role with such conviction and humor, and I was so super proud of her.  It was very clear that all of the cast members had poured their hearts into the performance. 

This little play was better than any show on Broadway, because not only did the residents perform with greatness, they did so with courage and determination, OVERCOMING the challenges they face every day.  

Friday was a fun day!! 

We have cold weather sweat shirt says " Coffee Weather" and this is true.  I do love hot chocolate, but it does not love me.  

Hope you all stay warm!!  




  1. I miss my hot chocolate and have been unable to find a substitute that likes me. this is a heart warming story and would have enjoyed it if I were with you... I do love a good mystery. the only play I have ever seen was a highschool play Fiddler on the Roof and 4 of 5 of my friends teens were in the play. I was shocked at how much I enjoyed it

  2. I love hot chocolate, and it does not love me either.
    I just loved that story and that play. That was so wonderful and so cool. I bet your sister loved to be in it and that you were there. I would have loved to see it myself.
    Such joy!

  3. I agree, that play was more powerful and heartwarming than anything ever played by professionals. Hurray for everyone who participated. ❤️

  4. What a wonderful activity for them!! And seems like your niece was the star of the show, as the perpetrator! I love the cute way you do your collages!!

  5. Live productions are the very best. Bravo to your niece and her stellar performance.
    Tis the season of love and good cheer.

  6. You are such great support for Tammy! Way to go!

  7. That must have been very enjoyable to watch and find out who the culprit was! How funny and what a surprise. I have given up drinking hot chocolate regularly. It's a treat, and I like mine the best. I'm not fond of those instant ones with all the fake flavoring. I like the one my Mom used to make for me. That was how I started my day as a kid - mom would make me hot chocolate before school. It didn't matter what season it was. I was addicted.
    As always, this a most enjoyable post - complete with eye candy and fun stuff. Thank you.

  8. I do love amateur theater, and wish I'd been there to see "Lizzie" and her castmates. One of these days I want to see or participate in a murder mystery, too. So much thought seems to go into the plot.
    Thank you for telling us about the Chateau!

  9. How fun to see someone you know onstage!

  10. This play sounds like it was entertaining and fun to watch.

  11. What a fun event! I miss going to plays. And so many comments about hot chocolate not being their friend! I guess I need to pay more attention to my hot chocolate :) I just can't drink it too late or it will awaken me about 2am and want me to stay awake for hours.

  12. Oh! That must have been a Fun time!!

  13. How cool!! Thanks for the smiles, have a beautiful day my friend.


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