Thursday, December 5, 2024

Navigating through the Rain.

 Rain, rain go away...come again another day!

"Rain before Seven, clear by eleven."  An old Chinese proverb that did not prove to be right yesterday.  It rained (Heavy) all day long and the simple task of closing my umbrella while getting into the car was hilarious.  Just picture me doing this:  Being at my car door during a downpour, juggling my umbrella, my car keys and my shopping bags.  And yes...I still got wet!  A very comical scene I am sure.  

My first stop of the morning was the doctor's office.  Two big shots in my knee!!  Ouch!!  Ouch!!  This is my Third shot in three weeks and I am sure hoping to see a big difference.  I have had these shots before and they did work for about a year.  

I had a little difficulty walking right after the shots, but within 30 minutes, I was going full force.  

I was not going to allow the rain stop me from finishing my "TO DO" list.  Off I went to the Party Store....Needed gum balls for my gumball machine.   Next stop was Target...and I am so thankful for God's favor.  He provided me with the very first parking spot, near the entrance of the store.  

Next was "Chick fil A" to have lunch with my granddaughter and great grandkids.   

Our lunch date was wonderful!!  I so enjoyed getting to visit with Emalee, as we sat there and watched the kids play.  While waiting on our meals, Both kids played in the kid area.  After their meal, it was time for Ice Cream.  One of them ordered a cup of Ice cream and the other one ordered a shake.  Of course, the shake came with a cherry on top.  Ha..."this wasn't fair" coming from Emersyn.  So...I politely asked the cashier if we could get some more cherries, and she said absolutely..  The day was saved!!

Our silly picture.....crossed eyes, sticking out the tongue and them both horns...

After lunch.....I made a stop at the JC Penny Store.  
Lots of good sales!!  I may have purchased a couple of sweaters.  I've been looking for something to wear to my Grandson's 💙  graduation, which is just a couple of weeks away.  

Then it was the drive home, in the POURING RAIN.

A few more Christmas decor photos...

I do love Christmas....
Big Hugs...


  1. So festive! Love all your decorations! That proverb is a new one to me, if only it held true....

  2. We have that same gumball machine, although ours has M and Ms in it and our Great Grand Cee Cee asked for "those candies in the thing" I told her no they are yucky cause they have been in there for years! Rain at least it wasn't freezing rain! Good lookin lunch dates!

  3. I love this view of your big tree in the corner and that chair is beautiful. I like chic Fi la chicken sandwich and have not had one since they closed our mall. bob will not eat there and the food court he could have Philly cheese steak, while I had Chic Fi la. you had a great day in spite of the pouring rain.

  4. I no longer get Cortisone shots. I started building a resistance and then my face would flush. I guess it was the beginning of an allergy. The shot would give me a fever and wipe me out. So, I had a partial knee replacement. Best decision I made.

    Your amusing umbrella story is why I don’t use umbrellas! If I get wet, I get wet. Good rain gear helps. I will use an umbrella for a soft rain just for the aesthetics. It’s fun to walk in the rain. ☔️

    Your house is absolutely beautiful. You are so talented. I especially love the first image of the rain boots. Did you draw and paint that? I love the simplicity of it. Charming. Your blog is always a feast for my eyes - colorful and creative.

  5. Your Christmas decorating is beautiful!!

  6. I adored that silly photo with your great-grands, Shug. Sweet kids and sweet memories made. And kudos to you for braving the rain to go shopping, too. When it's raining here, you can find me at home - LOL! Blessings!

  7. I love the pic with the grands! Everyone having fun - and all is fair with the cherries too! :)
    Your house looks great, the gumball machine is a perfect addition.
    No rain here - big winter storm with everything closed down!

  8. That gumball machine is so neat! I love the warm and welcoming feel of your rooms, inviting everyone to gather.
    While I missed most of my granddaughters' formative years, I hope to be just the fun kind of GREAT-grandparent you are.

  9. Your home is so lovely and inviting. Love all the do-dads, especially your gnome.
    We used to have a gumball machine just like yours. I'm wondering what ever happened to it...maybe we sold it when we moved..tis a mystery. I'll have to ask my hubby.
    Sure sounds like you made the best of a very rainy day. I could picture you trying to get into the car with your umbrella and gobs of other things. Been there, done that.
    I sure am hoping to get a little bit of Christmas up before its all over..Life is a little weird this year.

  10. Everything is so beautiful there! Your great grandchildren are so beautiful! You sure don't look old enough to be a great-grandma! Back when covid was bad, our Chick-Fil-A removed their play area! Then added more seating. I love what you did with the wicker tray on the bottom shelf of your shelving!! I shall just have to copy it!!

  11. I did not know about that Chinese Proverb. I can only imagine you doing all that in the rain. So, I am like you - if it is on my To Do list - it will get done. lol. I see your gumball machine in the house. I love Chick Fil A too. Your home is beautiful. I like the Merry and Bright on your door.

  12. I'm sorry about your rain, but it sounds like going out was worth it! ❤️

  13. I am so far behind on Christmas, but it will get done when it gets done.

  14. Even with the rain, it sounds like a perfect day. All your decorations look wonderful. I've been working on mine but it's been a half hearted effort.


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