Saturday, November 30, 2024

Friday Stuff and Anonymous Reader

Dear Anonymous Reader

       I've noticed your comments often focus on finding fault or sharing negativity.  While I welcome diverse perspectives, I would prefer you not leave a comment if it's rooted in criticism or negativity.  Any negative comment will be trashed.  

I believe in fostering kindness and understanding in all interactions.  It's my hope that you find joy and peace in your heart, and I will keep you in my prayers.  

thank you and I wish you the Best. 




I have the most awesome blogging friends and I am extremely thankful for each of you....I just can not figure out this one who is always ANONYMOUS and is always so critical.  

I have decided to just start deleting the negative comment.   

Are any of you experiencing this?  I feel sorry for them, but I just am not going to allow such negative remarks on my blog. 

Moving on!!     💛💛💛💛💛💛

My post for today......↓↓↓↓

Friday around the house....

I did NOT go Black Friday shopping in town, however, I did do some online shopping.  ...I really enjoyed shopping this quick easy way. 

My Friday began with a nice hot cup of black coffee and my devotion.  Reading my devotion each morning helps me start my day with  good positive vibes.  

 After making our bed (which is a Must do every morning) I sat down for a few minutes to just look at the living area.  I was planning in my mind how I wanted the Christmas Decor to look this year.  And then, I moved my Christmas tree from one side of the room, to the complete opposite side.  I think it looks better where it is at now.  

I re-decorated (is that a word) our tree...I just was not "feeling" what I had originally done, and my OCD was getting the best of me.  

The entire rest of the day was spent by taking down Fall items and carefully packing them away, and pulling out all of the Christmas decorations from the storage room.  

  Boxes everywhere...I have a 8 x 10 storage room and it is      packed with boxes full of decorations for Holidays.

I am almost done decorating the living area.  I need to pick up a couple of spools of ribbon as well as some battery operated lights.....oh and some battery operated candles.  

Sam and I made a quick trip to BEST BUY as he had an appointment with the Geek Squad for a repair on his computer.   Seems that his computer is too old for all of the Amazon updates for which he can no longer watch his prime movies.   A new computer is coming soon.

We didn't make any purchases at Best Buy and all I can say is Thank goodness!!  The check out line was from the front of the store to the back.  

I took a look at my December Calendar and is filling up fast. Sam and I have a 6 day trip planned starting on the 16th, which means I have much to get done before Christmas.     

                                                            My December Calendar

  Today, I plan on finishing up the decorations and organizing my storage room. 

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend...




  1. As I've aged, my tree gets simpler as do my decorations! Can't wait to see your tree and home. Blessings . . .

    1. I was not really in the mood this year for dragging out all the decorations, but I finally did.. I need to get rid of a lot of stuff...

  2. Good for you taking a stand against an anonymous commenter. I had one for a long time...and he got very gross...that is why I approve all comments. Have fun decorating! I ordered some address labels on Black Friday so that was my shopping!

    1. Those ugly comments are just not worth seeing...I am turning on comment verification. Thanks for the reminder...I need to order some address labels too.

  3. I had issues with a negative commenter as well as some spam comments. So now I have comment verification and that kind of thing doesn't get posted. Crazy thing is since I started that I haven't had any weird comments. Sorry you are dealing with that.
    Sam will enjoy that new computer!

    1. I think I am going to turn on Comment verification. So sad that there are some people who are angry at the world.

  4. Negative comments and attitudes will get you nowhere with me, Shug. I do hope this person will stop and look in the mirror before they post something they might regret down the road. Have a great weekend!

    1. I hope so too Martha. Just have to include them in our prayers...

  5. Whoever this person is hiding their name because they know this is not right. So sad. We must focus on lifting each other up, like Paul says!! Well, anyway...I love your gnome cushion!!! And cannot wait to see your tree and all of your decorations. Your decorating posts are my favorites. You decorate by the way you feel, and I think that is always best. Because then we can look at it all and feel happy. I cannot do much anymore, so had to start decorating in the first part of November. And I am still not done, and we have a small house! And no tree this year!

    1. Hey Ginny...I love gnomes and little stuffed snowmen. I think they are so cute. I actually have quite a few and I am decorating with them this year.

  6. Ive always had negative anonymous commenters! For some reason, people don’t like me. I seem to bring out the worst in people. I’ve had to change and relocate my blog 3 times since 2007. Once I restarted on the latest blog I had a little “Roman peace” but they found me again. I hated to do it but what has worked for me, is changing to, only those with google accounts can comment. I also have to approve the messages. Since doing that, I’ve had none. I did have a few anonymous commenters who were nice but it got to the point, I hated having to even read what they said. I guess I’m more sensitive than I thought. No one likes to be hated! I have a handful of followers so when I get one or two mean anonymous commenters it makes me wonder why I even post. That’s why I started posting on Substack.

    As my husband tells me, “Haters gonna hate.”

    I can’t imagine why anyone would be mean to you! Your blog is cheery and uplifting. I think they are jealous of you! Keep being you. 😘

    1. Hey Debby...I just really do not understand the minds of those who are so desperate to send out negative vibes. Just have to Pray for them.

  7. Are you a mind reader, Shug? I've an upcoming blog that includes our "friend", Anonymous. Way to go, taking the high road with such class.
    I've only gotten as far as lugging our tree box into the hall; this way that (trip hazard!) will prompt me to get-r-done sooner rather than later.
    I'm looking forward to seeing your tree!

    1. Ooooo maybe I can read minds...would that be a good thing or bad? I'm thinking it wouldn't be so awesome. I'm excited to see your tree and decorations..

  8. your home always looks like professional decorating to me. I understand the OCD thing making you do and undo and re do and move. I just spent 30 minutes tie 6 crystals on a lamp and its making me crazy so now I have to undo it. it will be easier to undo and I know its bad because bob who doesn't care a fig about decor scrunched his face as if to say what did you do.
    I have been ignoring the person who says the negatives and did not realize the comments are on most of my friends. I believe the person is sad and unhappy, if he/she is posting the same way, on everyone's, that means they are not mad with us but in need of help. when I am having a really bad day or week with Bob and caregiving I think negavtive thoughts and sometimes write them, even go back and delete them. also I have a huge curiosity bump and it makes me crazy no know who commented.

    1. I try not to be so OCD but it seems like mine has gotten worse the past couple of years. I think it is simply that I know how I want things and I just try to do my best to make it turn out. Yes...I am just simply going to ignore this person...I do feel sorry for them as it must really be sad to never have good things to say.

  9. You're way ahead of me on the decorating front, but I will get to it when I get to it.

  10. I love your December calendar. It put a smile on my face. 😊❤️

  11. There's not enough days in the month to get all the decorations and shopping done for most people. Awful about the negative poster, that one's got a lot of nerve and gives the normal anonymous posting community a bad name.

  12. I can't remember the exact reason but I stopped allowing anonymous comments a long time ago. It may have been because of critical negative comments.
    I wanted to start putting up Christmas yesterday but the snow we got has me really bummed and I didn't do anything.

  13. Oh, that gnome pillow is just too cute. Not sure you know, but I love gnomes, Shug. I'm sure Geek Squad will fix the computer nicely. They are so knowledgeable, and have fixed mine in the past. Your coffee and devotion sounds wonderful. Starting the day out with a prayer is such a beautiful thing to do.

    Have a lovely week ahead, Shug.


  14. Shockingly, I have not had a lot of negative comments. I typically do not talk politics, but I do talk hunting and fully expect to get some negative comments whenever I do. I am with you though, I would not publish them, nor let them deter me.

  15. My husband has OCD. I try to not let it bother me!
    I do have someone whose comments are almost always negative.
    Wanting to be helpful, once or twice, I've pointed out some internet safety issues on a post and been slapped. What can one do?
    I mostly get spam.
    Anyway, happy December!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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