Sunday, December 1, 2024

Guess Which Tree...

 Well......Yesterday was the day!!  The day that I decided to decorate the Christmas Tree... 

Before I tell you why I chose the decorations that I used this year, I am going to let you vote on which one is MY TREE.  

Turquoise and Silver with Beautiful Bows??

Mix of all kinds of ornaments??


A whole Lot of Icicles...... I do 
remember using a lot of icicles on our tree many, many years ago!!

A little Buffalo Plaid with Deer and some snowflakes. 

Silver with hints of Green and blue...with Silver 
beads?  Looks Elegant.

Snowmen and Santa Clauses....
with white lights ?????

Gingerbread Tree with  Ribbon??

I like to think of my Christmas Tree in the same way that a painter looks at their canvas.  I want to create a piece of art that I will be pleased with and might reflect MY Unique personality.  

Just walking through Hobby Lobby you can clearly see that Christmas Tree Decorations come in a countless number of styles.  They range from traditional to modern, whimsical, Country, and even extravagant.  I even saw a lot of Pinks this year along with a lot of silver and blues.  

I am usually drawn to the Nature-Inspired themes and I love adding deer, owls, and other wildlife into the natural looking berries and greenery.  This look just seems to remind me of the beauty of a Winter Landscape.   

This year..... I have struggled!  I probably should have waited another week before deciding to decorate the tree.  If you picked #6 then you picked my Tree.  Just simple with my snowmen, Santa clauses, berries, Christmas Balls, and Lights....I do have a few deer on the tree as well.  

I searched Pinterest, and I looked at all kinds of decorated trees, but nothing really stood out to me.  Christmas Tree #2 was my original tree before I changed it.  I do plan to add some ribbon...(just have to go get it) and I think it will make the tree complete.  The reason I chose the snowmen and the Santas was because I already had them and they were in the containers on the top of my Christmas decorations.  LOL!!

Tomorrow I will post pictures of how I decorated the rest of the house.  

Sunday Blessings......


  1. Whoa so many beautiful trees! My taste has changed throughout the years. I had mostly decorated trees that would wow, children since I had a daycare in my home. Then the “country” trees and now I’m at a crossroad. We have the tree up but the lights are out. I’d say I got my moneys worth as they were over 20 years old! So today we’ll get some lights after church. I have no idea what I will do.

    I like your tree. My goodness, are you an interior decorator by profession? Just gorgeous. When you do something that brings you joy, as decorating your tree does, you’re excellent at it. That’s the key. I bet your home will be exceptional this season. I can’t wait to see the rest of the house.

    Always fun when I visit your blog! 🎄

  2. I remembered you saying you change your tree every year so I thought maybe they were all yours from different years!
    You are a great decorator. Your tree looks great and I'm anxious to see the rest!

  3. I chose the first one, that is how I see your home, I thought the one you put up was not you. but then all of these are YOU and it means you are feeling keep it simple this year and traditional. I did not take out all 4 boxes, I used only what was in the ornament box flipped up the lid to #2 box and took out 3 small Santa's and the nativity that is one piece, just pull from box and sit on shelf, and 2 angels that stand over it. later I had to go back and move box 1 and open box 2 because I forgot Charlie Brown Tree. it always goes out. the nook is the only decor in the house except for my favorite Santa my Daughter in law gave me in 1989.
    I consider the NOOK my Florida Fireplace. I like to eat and stare at it and sit on sofa and stare and I do my morning exercises in front of it... I am a minimalist at heart and this year make that times 3. non one will see it but me and my 2 BOYS, Bob and Beau

  4. Shug, your tree is so pretty! I love it because red and white are my favorite colors at Christmastime. And Santa always brings jolly to any decorated space. Those snowmen are just too cute. Isn't Hobby Lobby the best at finding Christmas goodies? I also liked the silver with green and blue. That looks so elegant, and there's just something about blue in the home. Looking forward to seeing your Christmas decor, Shug. I have also decorated, but I have the same pieces as always, just rearranged a little. ; )


  5. I guessed it!!!! I just went by what I know of you, and the colors you like. I love it! And if you take the Santas off and put something else in their place, you can keep it up all winter! I just cannot WAIT to see the rest of your decorations!!!

  6. It's gorgeous! You are definitely an artist.

  7. Tis the Season... I am excited to see more of your home sweet home.

  8. I got it!!! I guessed! And it is beautiful!!!!! I am anxious to see the remainder of your festive home. Have a cozy evening by that beautiful tree, my friend.

  9. As I'm just still getting acquainted with you, Shug, I really didn't have a clue. You've done so many gorgeous trees in the past, but I so love the one you finally selected. It is one I would love, too. Happy Advent!

  10. Oh I picked #2 for you! However I do like your choice!

  11. All of them were nice and i couldn't decide which one I thought would be yours. I think my favorite was the buffalo plaid and second was the snowmen that you did. I wanted to have my tree up by now but the snow froze my motivation to do anything.

  12. My mother was an amazing tree decorator. These look lovely. We have a Charlie Brown tree to put up. Cats are wicked with trees!

  13. choose no. 3 ....."A whole Lot of Icicles."....
    Have a great weekend

  14. More fun than The Dating Game!
    They're all beautiful! I'd originally picked Bachelor #1, but kept changing my mind.

  15. There's not a bad one in your bunch of choices, but I do like the 'real' one

  16. I did not guess #6, I guess #2. You do go over the top, it is awesome!

  17. I love your tree! The Santas are so cute!

  18. omg.. I loved going though the trees and guessing which was yours and YES I picked #6. They are all so pretty! So much fun to decorate. Enjoy..

    1. It's Judee from Gluten Free A-Z Blog in the about anonymous comment. Sorry, I forgot to sign in.

  19. I guessed right. #6; but probably because that's the one I liked the best. I'm not into fancy trees. I decorate the tree the same every year; though it looks a bit different just because of the spacing of the ornaments or which color of lights I choose. I like to collect Christmas ornaments from our travels, so when I put them on the tree I remember how much we enjoyed that trip or location. I haven't started decorating yet. Maybe tomorrow. Sitting here cold at the moment, as we're having new windows put in so we have lots of the outside blowing through right now. Figured there was no reason to decorate and have things be in the way of the window installers.

  20. Sorry I have been missing this week - I have been in Ohio visiting my son and his family for Thanksgiving. Let me tell you that 17 degrees in Ohio is a lot colder than 17 degrees in GA. It was brutal.
    I honestly picked number 6 - I thought it looked like you and it was lovely.
    I loved the tree too - they were all pretty - where did you get the photos?
    Can't wait to see your home decorated all up!

  21. Love them all Shug... You have quite the artistic talent there.
    With Dave being sick I really don't know when our tree will get up and decorated.
    So for now I will just enjoy everyone elses.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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