Thursday, November 28, 2024

You won't believe it.....

 Listen....y'all are not even going to believe the story I have for you all today.  I started not to post this because I didn't want to look like some kind of helpless woman who can not cook....  BUT... Here goes....if you all will allow me just two quick stories....One happened yesterday and the other a few years ago.   I promise I will be done with stories...

When it comes to making dressing, I have always been a little intimidated...  first of mother made the best dressing ever, and then my sister-in-law makes dressing very similar to my moms.  Always so good.  

This year....I was determined to make the dressing and I just knew I could perhaps come pretty close to matching my moms.  

Let me tell you.....I fixed two pans of the best looking dressing that I have ever made.  

And here is where a "forever memory" will always be with the family...

As you all know, Sam has a huge lemon tree in the greenhouse and it usually yields around 60 big lemons a year.  No exception this year...

This summer, I squeezed all of the lemons and had a huge amount of lemon juice.  I put it in bags and froze it.   I also had some Turkey stock in the freezer NEXT to the lemon juice.  

You know where I'm going with this don't you??

Yep.....I added the thawed LEMON JUICE to my cornbread dressing.  What I thought was broth, was not broth.  Oh my goodness.....I baked the prettiest Lemon Southern Cornbread dressing you could have ever asked for... IT TASTED TERRIBLE!!!!

Thank goodness, I realized it when I tasted the giblet gravy.. too tasted like lemon juice.  

What did I do!!  I almost had a melt down and almost cried.    BUT.....I gathered my thoughts and took a few deep breaths.   I then realized that everything would be ok, because when I picked up my Ham on Wednesday...the place also gave me a pan of cooked dressing.  What??   Let me tell you, the Lord was watching over me!!  He provided for the mistake I made.  I quickly opened a couple of cans of Cream of chicken soup, added a can of cream of mushroom soup, some half and half cream, salt and pepper.....Wah La.....  I had gravy!!  Not the same as giblet gravy with the boiled eggs and such....but it was a gravy.  

My brother had just come in when I noticed the lemon taste.   I told him what I had done and I wasn't sure if he wanted to laugh or if he really felt bad for me.   

One by one, I let the family taste the dressing (before throwing it out) and oh the look on their faces.  They didn't want to hurt my feelings about how bad it tasted, but they didn't want to say it was good either.  We laughed and laughed.  

This ranks pretty high up with another Thanksgiving story...... another  memory our family had on Thanksgiving Day about 6 years ago.  

Our second grandson is a type 1 diabetic.  He was standing in the kitchen near the kitchen sink and I was fixing to take the turkey out of the oven..  Several of us were in the kitchen talking at the time, and then suddenly, Tucker just passed out.  He fell on me....which I was glad that I broke his fall....BUT, by this time, I  had the turkey in my hands and of course, it dropped to the ground...   Tucker is a big 6'3" guy and when he fell on me, my leg bent the wrong way and I could barely walk for a few minutes there.  

So.....we had Tucker passed out, the turkey on the floor, and I couldn't walk.  Then to top it all off....when Tuck fell, his belt or belt loop got hung on my cabinet door handle, which caused the door to break completely in half.  Had to have a new cabinet door made and installed...

He was okay...his sugar had just dropped too low.......the turkey was saved (as it was still in the pan).....and although my leg hurt, I was able to continue on.  

I promise....this is all true!!  No one could possibly make up stories like this.  This is when southerners would say "Bless your Pea pickin' heart."

Am I the only one that has stories such as these?  Are we (my family) the only semi-dysfunctional  family group at Thanksgiving?  

We all just laugh and make jokes about our Thanksgiving happenings and wonder what the next Thanksgiving will bring.  lol 

We have a whole lot of  "Remember When stories!"   Oh fun life can be....  

Hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving...



  1. Oh no...I haven't done that, but I did burn bread before. Long story. I accidently read the directions wrong...anyways...wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving my friend.

    1. Yep...we all make mistakes....I just was not wanting this big of one to be on Thanksgiving day.... Hope you have had a restful TG day..

  2. Oh no so sorry there was a mix up. I bet you had a Happy Thanksgiving anyway!

    1. We did have a wonderful Thanksgiving....we were missing only 3 of the family members which was pretty good considering that they all live elsewhere. Hope you all had a wonderful TG.

  3. Oh my! This is the stuff memories are made of, and it's good you're able to laugh.
    Our daughter is Type 1 also, and she passed out right before our Thanksgiving meal today. She never does that, so it was pretty scary there for a bit, we had a hard time getting her sugar back up, but it did. It put a damper on dinner though.
    So, it was very interesting for me to read this today!

    1. I hope your daughter is doing ok today....a low in insulin can make you feel so bad for days. I know this was so very scary and leaves everyone in a almost state of panic. Sending my best for her to feel good.

  4. Was his sugar too low? The dressing story is funny. And now you have two stories to be handed down and told in the family forever!! Plus you still have that frozen broth to use in the future! Who says you can only have stuffing on Thanksgiving...

    1. Yes...that was the first year of his diabetes diagnoses and his sugar dropped real low. He now has a monitor and pump that gives insulin to him automatically. You are right Ginny....I still have a lot of frozen turkey broth...

  5. This story will be worth it in the long run. No one was hurt, you ended up with good food anyway, and you will get a gazillion laughs out of it in the future. What more could you want? Thank you for sharing. ❤️

    1. You are so correct ....this will probably be told at my funeral some day by my grandsons who are always kidding around with me...

  6. Oh Shug, the stories are so funny. 😂 I’ve had a few Thanksgiving disasters as well.
    You are a master story teller! Loved it. I do feel bad for Tucker. Laughing is good at times when we’re stressed. It releases endorphins and I believe dopamine. 🤔

    God provides, doesn’t He? It’s amazing how you were able to make do. Well it all sounds like fun. A beautiful Thanksgiving with a memory that will forever be written on your heart.

    1. This was when Tucker first was diagnosed with type I diabetes...He has really learned to control it now. Girl..we sure have plenty of endorphins and dopamine around here.. You never know what one of us is going to do. God is soooo good and I was so Thankful that HE provided...

  7. Yep, I knew where that story was going when you said you put it in the freezer. Oh my. It did look good in the pan though.
    You sure know how to create stories to tell at future gatherings.

    1. Of course you knew Ann...the lemon background and the squeezing of the lemons was a good sign of what I had done... Hope your TD was awesome..

  8. What great stories, Shug, even though they certainly weren't funny, or entertaining, at the time. Looking back, we can all laugh at ourselves and our antics, that's for sure. Blessings!

  9. Okay, you officially get the Gold Medal for the funniest holiday stories ever! I love lemons and would be curious to taste that dressing with a 'zest'! So glad neither you nor Tucker were hurt, but that sounds like an episode from I Love Lucy. Thanks for sharing it today!

    1. Thank you for the gold medal.. Oh wow...I almost had a melt down, but I kept it together. We had so much food that they would have never even noticed if I had not had any dressing at all.... Hoping y'alls TG was great..

  10. This sounds like a story with a twist! I love how you’re capturing the joy and humor of your cooking experience. I’m sure the memory of your dressing and those lemons will be one for the books! I just shared a blog post, let me know what you think.

    1. Thanks Melody...I will stop by...looking forward to reading your post.

  11. I did not laugh at the first one, but it did make me remember when we went home for dinner with one of the church family, that daddy was pastor of. the 12 year old, same as me, made him a birthday cake. we all took a bite and started to gag. she had used cornmeal instead of flour and salt instead of sugar. this was back in 1956 in KY and everything was bought by lbs in bags. so yes others do make a mistake. sad to say As I read your 2nd story out loud to Bob, I was laughing so hard I could barely talk. sorry about Tuck, but it was to much for me. next year you can tell the lemon dressing story and laugh and we will too.. love it.
    bob said to tell you about the TG turkey when all my kids were here and the flourscent light went out in the kitchen, the old kind, we still have them. bob got the stool and replaced the light, and dropped the burned out one, and it hit the turkey pan and shattered into zillions of pieces and we had to throw away the turkey. YOU ARE NOT ALONE

    1. we all do make mistakes... Bob probably felt terrible about the ruined Turkey...but guess what? Y'all made it through and so did we. Oh my...what some stories we all have to tell but doesn't it make life fun? I do hope you and Bob enjoyed a nice Thanksgiving day. I am so grateful to have you as a blogging friend.

  12. Oh my...
    Goodness me, I feel for you. I have done similar things too. And I usually end up having a good cry, and then have to pull up my bootstraps and move on.
    The story about Tucker... well what a memory.. I am so THANKFUL everyone was alright.
    Hugs!! Carla

    1. All I could think about was what would my mother in heaven be saying1. LOL...I'm sure she made some mistakes along the way as well... Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving Carla. Hugs.

  13. Shug :) thanks for the laughs!! These stories are too crazy, so they have to be true! I can't even imagine how bad lemony dressing tastes :) And the story about Tucker...omg! I'm glad he's ok, but that's one that will live on for many years! (and the anonymous commenter strikes again (eye roll inserted here). Have a great weekend!


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