Thursday, September 19, 2024

Squirrel Woes

 Squirrels are everywhere!  Sadly, I have seen a few on the over by passing cars.  

These little rascals, (which are really small to medium size rodents)...😳 can do so much damage and they are so very sly about it. 


They Love to chew off my outdoor lights.....ARGH!

This morning when I was outside, watering the plants around the pool, I could hear several baby squirrels making a squeaking noise.  I think the nest must be somewhere behind our fence.  

I honestly am not a fan of squirrels.

Speaking of squirrels, I am reminded of mine and Sam's squirrel story.

I may have already shared this story, and if so I apologize.  

Back in 1975, my husband loved squirrel hunting. One morning he got up early and headed out to hunt.  Sure enough, he killed several of the little rodents, and he wanted me to make Squirrel and Dumplings.  

Hey....I had never made dumplings of any kind before, but I called my mom to see how she made them.  I worked all morning cooking a BIG pot of what I thought would be the very best dumplings ever.  

Oh yes....I just knew that Sam was going to be proud to know that his awesome wife was also an awesome cook as well.   Now mind you, I was pregnant with our first child.  I actually was about 7 months pregnant.  

It was time for Sam to taste this yummy pot of Squirrel and dumplings !!!!!!!

He took a bite and the first sentence out of his mouth was......."They don't taste like my Grandmother's"

Oh...Oh...Oh...... this one sentence quickly determined that Sam had NO RESPECT for my hormones that day!!
And....he soon realized it.

I grabbed two hot pads, picked that big pot of squirrel dumplings up, Waddled out the sliding glass door....through the yard, and Dumped the entire pot over the fence.  

The Look on his face!!!
Ummmm.  I have never cooked squirrel dumplings again!  

and Sam has NEVER ever compared my cooking to his grandmother's cooking again.  I will say...she was an excellent cook.  

Squirrel woes are Real.  



  1. And everything Shug cooks is the best in the land.

  2. I think you did just the right thing! If it was not as good, then why should he even eat it? I had the same thing going on with Phil the first few years we were married. It was the way his friend Ben made Chicken Cacciatore. No matter how many recipes I made, none were ever as good as Ben's. We got woke up early one morning to a loud chittering sound. Phil tracked it down to the drainpipe. A squirrel had fallen into the house drainpipe! He had to take the entire section off then turn it upside down and shake! The squirrel came racing out soaking wet and and scampered across the street. We have a lot here and you see them dead in the road quote often. This is because they run away from danger in a zigzag pattern. You cannot predict their pattern to avoid them!

  3. P.S. Love your header. He looks like he is praying that he will not end up being cooked.

  4. Lesson learned? Never compete with a grandmother's cooking! Just to be an opposing opinion, we so love the squirrels here at our forested home, and my novel series features an extremely extraordinary one. I hope you will check the books out the next time you visit my blog. God's blessings always!

  5. Squirrel woes are Real - for sure!!!!!!!!!! Oh, my goodness you must have really loved Sam to make squirrel and dumplings. I totally understand your hurt feelings!
    When we were in our home - 35 years - we had squirrels come in the attic. We would have to catch them. Pay a lot of money to get the soffit fixed each time because that is where they come in. It was TERRIBLE! I don't like squirrels either. Sorry.

  6. Your story hit home for me today, Shug. I am not sure you know, but I am a bit afraid of the squirrels. I have a big front lawn, and they carry about chasing one another, climbing the trees, and I don't like them one bit. My neighbor said they can fly! haha. I have never heard of squirrel and dumplings, and would never attempt to try it, but I think you are brave for making it, and a good wife for trying. You're right, squirrel woes are real. I feel it every day here in the mountains. ; )


  7. Cute story! I enjoyed it! We have many squirrels also...they are just rats with tails:)

  8. City girl here never heard of squirrel and dumplings, but good for you! For sure I'm in the minority, but I love our squirrels. My husband even built them a little tray atop our fence where they can come gnaw on old corn cobs. I don't know what I'll do if one of the pups winds up catching one, but meanwhile they're providing the dogs with good exercise and entertainment.

  9. Thanks for the giggle. My dad was not a hunter, but once a year he went squirrel hunting with friends, then came home and cooked them up. I don't know what he did wrong, but that meat was the worst thing I've ever eaten.


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Daylight, Paths and Pigs

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