Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Waiting on a Dream

Waiting on a Dream to come true can sometimes be a very long wait.... Hopefully my niece's dream has finally happened.      

I have talked about my niece Tammy,  several times here on my blogging post.  For those of you who are new to visiting my blog, I'll give you a bit of the background.  

God tells us throughout the Bible that we are born to serve him.  This life of service means that we must love others and attend to their needs.  

My sister, her husband and the three kids were in a deadly car crash back some 45 years ago.  The three kids survived but my sister and her husband both died.  Tammy was very seriously injured and was left with a brain injury.  

She and her two siblings were raised by my parents.  Tammy's older brother died when he was 28 from a thrombosis in his heart.  Tammy's sister lives here, but she has her family that she takes care of.  After my parents both passed away, I became Tammy's guardian.  

Tammy now lives in a home for mild to moderate disabled adults.  It truly is the most wonderful place ever and we are extremely Blessed that this place is only 10 miles from our home town.  Although she is now an adult, her mind is more on the level of about a 12 year old.  

To make a long story short, due to her injuries and the brain damage, it left her with a misalignment in the Left eye.  For years my parents tried to get it corrected, however the medical technology was not available to take care of it.  

Fast forward to today:

Tammy's Dream for YEARS now has been to have her eye fixed and straightened.  Hopefully....this Dream has come true.  It takes weeks to actually see how  successful the surgery is and how straight it might be.  The doctor said that if this first surgery does not move the eye in the correct position, then another surgery can be done to pull it further over to the center.  

Tammy has a very good ophthalmologist ... And today he did surgery on both of her eyes.  The doctor went in and tightened a muscle on the Right eye, and on the Left eye, he tightened 3 muscles which should help in pulling her eye back over.  

My eyes filled with tears when the doctor came to see her, just before the surgery.  She said him:  "I just want to thank you because I have been waiting 45 years to get this fixed."


               I needed to pick Tammy up this morning at 6:45 in order for her to be at the hospital by 7:30.  Surgery was at 9:30....All went very well!!!  Thank you Lord!!  We got home around 2:00 this afternoon.  

Last night, I woke up almost every single hour, checking the time.  I did not want to over sleep.  

So tonight......I AM EXHAUSTED.   It is so tiring to sit at a hospital all day.    I haven't even had time to visit any of your Post, but hopefully I will be able to catch up tomorrow.  




  1. Oh Shug you are so sweet to help take care of Tammy, I hope the surgery is everything that she hoped for. Caregiving can be exhausting...if it is a group effort that helps:)

  2. Just waiting around a hospital is very exhausting!! Maybe even more so than the patient, who is at least laying in bed resting. So will she be able to see better now? How wonderful!! I love your joyful header!

  3. It's amazing what modern medicine can do.

  4. Oh, my goodness - what a story - that must have been one heck of a car accident. God has provided. How nice she is having her dream of having her eye corrected. I pray it works out wonderfully for her.

  5. Prayers that the surgery is a success and she can see herself with perfect eyes. Thanks for the reminder that there are many others that have so much to deal with and your family had more than their fair share. God's blessing on you for becoming the guardian

  6. I’m so happy for Tammy that she finally received her wish and it all went well. So much tragedy for your family. How horrible and what a loss. It’s good that Tammy is in a good place. My step- daughter had a grand maj seizure when she was 18 mos and it damaged her brain stem. I wish she was in a safe place but she’s independent; and doesn’t make very good Dec decisions so it’s a concern as we get older and as she gets older as well.
    I bet you are tired after being at the hospital all day - not the most relaxing place to be. I hope you get caught up on your rest and I wish a speedy recovery for Tammy as she heals from surgery.

  7. Such wonderful news for Tammy, Shug! I am so happy for her and for all of you who love her. May God continue to shower His blessings on your family.

  8. Good health and God's blessing on all your loved ones!
    I hope your niece is doing well now and will recover soon! It's a miracle when our dreams come true!

  9. Such a wonderful outcome! Thank you for sharing Tammy's back story, so I might rejoice with you and your family. (Now, get some good rest!)

  10. Thank you for sharing Tammy's story. She has been through so much. I'm so glad to hear the surgery went well, and I hope it will make a big difference in her life. That is awesome of you, Shug, that you became Tammy's guardian. What a truly special thing that is.



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