Friday, September 20, 2024

Fall Around This Place

 I am slowly getting all of my Fall decor put up in the house.  I really haven't even opened my "Fall" containers but hopefully I will get to it this weekend.  Most of the stuff I have out, all came from one box that has been stored in what I call... My everything room.  It's a room where I store winter jackets, my file cabinet, and several containers of seasonal decorations.  

This area of our house is where we mostly sit and watch Tv.  It's a pretty good size area and I have a Dining table, the above cabinet, another small table, our recliners, a sofa and several other comfy chairs in this room.  

This round table that we purchased many years ago has been a great piece of furniture.  Eight people can easily sit at this table and we can actually squeeze in a couple more chairs to accommodate family and friends.  

I sure miss the "Pier 1" stores....the plates in the above picture were purchased at Pier 1 several years ago.  Pier 1,  had so many beautiful and unusual things...

The lazy Susan on this table makes it easy when we do eat here.  

A small table used for all kinds of things.  Extra place settings if needed......I sit her sometimes and write my blog.....Games...we play chess or checkers on this table.  

I love the swags and of course Lights...

I can usually find cute swags at Kirklands..

One of my favorite tables...
This photo also shows that I.... as of yet, have found a round rug to go under the big round table.  I had one under there, but when I changed the colors of the curtains in this room, it just did not go very well...I'm still looking for one.

Bookshelf behind the round table. 

another round table ...I love this table as well.  And the big black cabinet....I had it built about 8 years ago.  It is SOOOO heavy.  I have added blue and turquoise to my Fall decor.

My ZZ plant.  This plant is so easy to care for. 

 I am loving the orange, cream and blue colors here.  

the place settings that I am using at this table

By adding just a touch of orange here and there, it really looks like Fall...

Again....just adding some blue this year. this picture, the ORANGE pumpkin looks kinda pinkish.  

                                        These cute balls can add so much to any area in your house...

Today, I baked a German Chocolate Cake!  Our home smells like Fall.  German Chocolate cake is a family favorite.  It was always a specialty of my mom's.  All of our family gatherings always included her famous German Chocolate cake.  

I'll leave you with this picture of Tam.  Before and After pictures...I am so proud for her...  Her eyes are still a bit bloody looking, and swollen, but you can see that her eye is now straight.  Thank you all for the many prayers... 



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Sandi...Thank your for your prayers. She is one happy lady.

  2. I have been going back and forth looking. It is all so lovely and perfect! I love what you did to the front of all those drawers. And your place settings are gorgeous! The light blue and plaid settings are gorgeous, who would have thought those colors would look so beautiful together! The pumpkin swag is so cute! You always did have a talent for decorating, and I always look forward to seeing what you do next!

    1. You are so sweet Ginny. I do love decorating. Not sure if I decorate for me or for my family's enjoyment...Have a good weekend

  3. Oh my goodness Shug - you have one of the most beautiful houses and decorations I have ever seen. It is so elegant. I wonder how many more decorations you have - it looks so lovely. I love your lazy Susanne. I love the cabinet with the dishes in the front. Beautiful. And the swags and lights are elegant. And I am so happy for Tammy - her eye looks GREAT!!!! Praise God.

    1. Thank you...Tammy is so happy about her eye. I have another big tub and one smaller one of Fall decorations. I usually try to change it out every other year. Enjoy a beautiful weekend.

  4. I love the German Chocolate Cake,but Shug will not let me eat the whole cake . It is so GOOD

  5. What a lovely styling you've done!
    My granddaugther had that same surgery!

    1. Thank you...I am so very thankful for this surgery. Such a Blessing for those who need it to be able to have this surgery...Not only to correct their vision, but to feel good about themselves.

  6. Such beautiful pictures of your home, thank you for sharing. Keeping Tam in prayer. Have a lovely weekend, my friend.

    1. Thank you for your prayers for Tam. She has such a kind heart and I am thankful for this surgery and how it will help her vision as well as her confidence in herself.

  7. Hello! First off, I am so happy the eye surgery is over and successful! Prayers for a continued recovery! Your fall home is beautiful! I love seeing all the touches you added to your already lovely home! The colors you chose are so cozy, and I imagine you so enjoy these autumn days in that lovely space. Thank you for sharing, my friend.

  8. You have such a talent for decorating your home with color and good taste, Shug. Thanks for the tour today, and I'm so happy to know that Tammy's surgery was successful.
    Have a blessed weekend!

  9. Great pops of Autumn; your home looks so welcoming! I, too, miss using pretty napkin holders ... maybe I'll go fishing out on Etsy.
    So happy for Tammy. That's remarkable!

  10. Praises to Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals for Tammy’s successful eye surgery. What a blessing that is for her.
    Your home is beautiful and you do have a flair for decorating. Your fall decorating are lovely and I’m sure your family appreciates your gift.

  11. Good to see that Tammy's surgery was a success what a blessing! You really decorate for Fall! I used seems like so much trouble and effort anymore! I may get out a different table runner:)

  12. I am in awe of your decorations.

  13. Oh goodness, I love it all! Your table with the lazy susan reminded me of my mom's table growing up. We all sat there and turned it around to get the yummy dishes my mom cooked. That orange checkered ceramic tree is so cute, love that. The table cloth looks Fallish, and I LOVE that blue and white pumpkin, it's gorgeous. Your drapes go nicely with the Fall decor too.

    What a special story about Tam. I hope her eye heals nicely.



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Daylight, Paths and Pigs

  Good Morning Friends.....Today is  C-H-O-O-S-E day!  Choose to smile, choose to be kind, choose to be happy, choose to be YOU!           ...