Thursday, February 1, 2024

What Season are you In?

 What season of life are YOU in right now?  God has me, He has you..... in the right place NOW!

We need to be teachable in whatever season we are in.  We don't need to allow "Fears" or the "what if's" to rob us of the Blessings that God has waiting on us.  

When we allow our minds to become overcrowded with worries, sadness, loneliness, WANTS vs needs, or the challenges in this world........we have a tendency to forget about the season of rejoicing and happiness. 

The seasons of life are, 
the warfare season,
the dry season,
the spiritual season,
the WAITING season,
the overwhelmed season, 
the Trial season, and
THE HAPPY season.

We just need to embrace whatever season we are in.  God is faithful and HE will never leave us or forsake us.  

Let's be the ray of sunshine....Let's Sparkle for God.....and may we never cease to pray in every Season.  

So....what season of life are you in right now?



  1. Yes, we need to let the light God gave us to shine!! Your list of the different seasons I did not know. It is interesting!

  2. Your words are so special here. And thank you for this gentle reminder to be aware and grateful through every season. : )


  3. Beautiful words to live by! I love your header picture!

  4. I am in the trial season, health struggles mine and those around me. It will all get sorted out because God is in charge!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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