Friday, February 23, 2024

Use your Talents

 I am amazed at the Talents that many people have!!

Seriously.....look at the many artist, musicians, singers, comedians, writers, cake & cookie decorators, actors.....etc. 

The List is Huge of Talented people categories.    

Truth is, we all have talents but many times we choose not to identify with them.  Some talents are hidden, just waiting for us to seek what God has given us. We all, do have, God given talents.

It is, when we nurture our gift and share them with the world, that we create a sense of meaning and purpose in our lives.  Not all talents are admired by others, such as that of a great care giver or the talent of being a teacher.  Being able to care for others is definitely a talent.  Although teaching is a profession, it requires a lot of talent to be a teacher.   It is,  the high paid artist, or a successful singer whose talents or sought after......these are the kind of talents  that people long for.  However, even the smallest talent can be a strong resource to help someone else and bring glory to God. 

When I decided to write about this topic on talents, I thought, "Hey...I am going to try my hand at drawing!"  Mind you....I do NOT know how to draw.  BUT...what if I had a hidden a talent that I knew nothing about, just because I never tried it? you can see, I still DO NOT have the talent of sketching.  lol. 😂

Just look at this painted glass house.  
Absolutely stunning. So much detail and character.  This is Talent!!  I know that just the beauty of this house has brought much JOY to many people.  Can you imagine the time and labor that went in to creating this?

What are your talents?  What would be your dream talents?  

My mom used to always say...."You can use your talents, or you can lose them."






  1. That drawing is so delightful.....and I think you DO have a talent with that. Now, if you saw a drawing I did, you would know that haha. I have no artistic talents in painting or drawing or sketching. I do, however, have a gift of taking pictures, and nature photos are my favorite. That painted glass house is really something! Keep drawing, Shug. You might surprise yourself. ; )

    **thank you for your comment on my post today. I appreciate it very much.

  2. Where did you find that stained-glass house? Beautiful!

  3. So this is an actual stained glass house? Wow!
    I agree with you, it is so special when we find out what talent God gave us. I think you drew really well!


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