Thursday, February 22, 2024

Leave It In HIS Hands

Those who leave Everything in God's hands will eventually see God's hands in Everything! 

Oh goodness.....I need to read this every single day, and then re-read it again!

What does it mean to leave everything in God's hands?

It means abandoning our own ways and trusting God. 
Easy to say, but many times I find it difficult to leave everything in God's hands. 

I immediately start thinking about what I CAN DO to rush things up, or what can I DO to make things go the way I want them to go.  I do not want to steal these things back.  I gave them to God and HE is in control.  HIS way is better than any way I could possibly dream of. 

Do you struggle with this? 

Just because I put my everything in God's hands, does not mean that I can sit down with a cup of coffee and watch TV all day long.  God expects me to be willing to do my part.....according to the steps that HE orders for me.  I am to seek those steps!
I am to focus on the direction that these steps are leading me in. 

Just last week, I found myself concerned about a situation.  I prayed and I prayed some more.  I told God that I was giving the situation and all my worries to HIM.   I found myself walking in Peace and I was so excited about the day moving forward.  BUT THEN.....worries and thoughts began to attack my mind.  Waiting was not an option and I thought I had the perfect solution.  Once again....I tried to fix things myself, only to find out that my actions would only bring me more worry.  What I thought I had given to God, I found myself trying to take it back and guess what?  I failed. 

My prayer then became, God forgive me for having doubt.  Help me to put my wholehearted trust and faith in you.  
I am learning to trust the hands of the one whose handiwork declares HIS glory!

Shug  👐


  1. Hello Dear Friend, this post spoke right to me. Yes, lately I have more anxiety. I am very concerned about our Nation. I have Texas family, in the midst of the border crisis. It all can get to be TOO MUCH.... so this reminder is just what I needed.
    Love, Carla

  2. When I have struggles and concerns and my heart is troubled, I constantly pray. I like the words in the first picture. You are a good and caring woman, Shug. : )


  3. YES, it is hard to turn everything over to God! This makes me think of what the bible says about God's ways not being our ways. And that is so true. I think a lot of us are afraid that God's solution will be something they will not like. So we need to have faith for sure. LOVE your header!!

  4. Hi Shug~ There is so much in this world right now that just needs to be turned over to God! When I get overwhelmed, and I often do, I pray, and just remember who is really in control. He will forever light our way, our truth and our light. Loved this post! Hugs, Barb


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Old Hymn

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