Saturday, January 6, 2024

Great Day at the AA Center

During the Mavericks game, Mylee and some of her teammates made it on to the big Jumbotron Screen!  They were all so very excited.  


Check out that score!!  Mylee's team beat the opposing team 72-27.  This was a district game and her team walked away with a HUGE win!

This was a once in a lifetime event for a high school team.  The game was held at the American Airline Center in Dallas, Tx.  The place where the Mavericks play.  

It was a great day!
We watched both the girls and boys teams play and then stayed for the Mavericks game.  I had never been to a professional Basketball game before and most likely will not go again.  
I was very impressed!

Mylee - warming up before her game.

Thankful that Mylee had the opportunity to play in this huge arena and thankful that we were able to go watch the teams.  


1 comment:

  1. Hi Shug~ What a fun opportunity for Mylee!! Seeing yourself of that huge screen must have been exciting! I've never been to a professional game in a huge stadium, but I probably wouldn't love it, I don't like big crowd ;0) But, I would absolutely go to watch a loved grandchild!! Have a great week! Hugs, Barb


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