Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Game Day & Warm Foods!

 What better thing to do on a COLD 🌨⛄

Snowy-icy Day, than to stay home next to the fire and play games!  Of course....one needs those warm comfy foods to keep you going. 

This girl (Mylee Jo) beat the socks off of me every single game!!

We played "Skip Bo" several times and "Slap Jack" 3 or 4 times.  I GOT BEAT!  

Trista and Shanda were BUSY putting a "Difficult" puzzle together.  
By night Fall.....they had it ALMOST put together.

Of course...there always has to be WARM food on days like this.

Shanda made a pot of Vegetable Beef soup,  as well as a big pot of Mac and Cheese!

I made homemade Chili!

My meals, my recipes are all called "Mabel's meal, or Mabel's recipe."

This name comes from my Son-in-laws from years ago....and it has always stuck.

this is my Homemade Chili Recipe.

Most of time, I use Deer meat.  This is my simple chili recipe and it takes no time at all to make.  

If I'm "really" making🌶 "CHILI", I use a much more complicated recipe and it takes quite some time to make.  Lots of spices, peppers, onions, seasonings, etc.

Blessing to each of you!



  1. Sounds like a nice day of games and good foods. Puzzles are such fun to put together. I love a good chili, but I make it with hamburger. Since moving to the mountains and seeing all the deer, they have become close to me, so I don't eat venison any more. My dad used to cook deer meat growing up, and it's a bit fowl tasting to me. The vegetable beef soup sounds perfect on a cold Winter day. And the quote you shared is delightful, love that one.


  2. The chili looks so good! Does that puzzle say 1,000 pieces? They must be experts at puzzle making. Phil and I do not even attempt one that large. It takes us days to even do 300 pieces!

  3. We had Chili on Monday! On our sixth puzzle this winter:)


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........