Thursday, January 18, 2024

Life is like a Movie

 Life is like a movie....!!

I know where we have been and I'm looking forward to where our movie is going!  

What I love about our movie is that Sam and I are the Stars! 💫💫

Our movie would include a LOT of Comedy
(like the time we left at 2:00 in the morning on a vacation trip to Colorado.....We drove about 40 minutes and had to pull over and take a short nap 🤣)

A whole lot of Mystery, because so many things in life have been out of our control.  Not knowing where we were going on what was ahead.

Finances:  How can you have a movie without some kind of finances coming into the picture!
We started out as 2 young kiddos with like $800.00 in the bank.  It was the hottest part of the summer and we were so HOT, living in a rented house with NO Air Conditioning.  First thing we did was purchase a window unit.  Cost was about $300.00.
We financed it and when the first bill came and we saw the interest charged...We immediately Paid it off! We still laugh about this!

ADVENTURES!  Yes....we have had so many interesting adventures in life!  We have traveled quite a bit and each and every place has been our favorite.  
A few years ago, we made a trip to the Blue Ridge Mountain area.  We decided on a whim, that we would like to hike!!!  Never have we hiked before.  We found a trail but of course, I wasn't going to leave my purse in the car....and neither of us had hiking shoes or boots.  I had on flip flops!!  We took off (Me swinging my purse) and we hiked about 2 miles up some rugged areas.  We did make it to the water falls, but that was about it.  Can you imagine what all the TRUE hikers were thinking when they saw the two of us.....purse, flip flops and somewhat dress clothes??  lol.

Sorrow:  Yes, our movie would include a lot of tears.😢😢😢  The passing of Loved ones, The years of having a very sick grandchild diagnosed with Leukemia..(He is a survivor 👐), some scary health issues, wrecks and severe injuries of a grandson (thanks to God and many prayers, Trey is doing much better).. sadness, disappointments.
BUT GOD!!  👐 👐 👐

Drama.....  Hmmmm.  Doesn't everyone experience Drama at one time or another?  
I am not a fan of Drama and I try my best to avoid it at all cost.  

LOVE... So MUCH Love!  The kind of movie that all ladies long for.  
Sam and I were High School Sweethearts and not once did we ever break up. 
We are now going on 52 of wedded bliss and I am looking forward to many more years.  
I love this man and he loves me!
Our family sees our love for each other and for each of them.  
We taught our kids to love each other, to give big hugs and to show true emotion for each other.  For this I am thankful.  

I look forward to us dancing in the rain together when we are older!
So much more that could write on this funny post, about our movie.  It is true that our lives are like a movie.  
We may be the only ones that Fall in Love with our own movie.....but wow, I like to think that ours would be a BOX OFFICE HIT!

Big hugs!
Shug...🎥 🎟 🎟


  1. congratulation for "52 of wedded bliss"..... young generations should follow your steps.....

    Love to read your "movies of life"..... thank you for sharing....

  2. What a cute post! And you are right about life being a movie. I love seeing you both on T.V.! If I had tried that hike, I would have come back down on a stretcher. Your life has been so full of fun and blessings. We have been married about a year longer than you, isn't it wonderful!

  3. I loved this post.
    Happy Ever After ... Sam -n- Shug.

    I too do not like Drama and I stay away from it.

  4. Loved this Shug. I loved your movie. I have had enough drama in my life to last two lifetimes. You are such a cute couple! xo

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandchild who was diagnosed. I just said a prayer. There has been lots of sorrow in my world, but so much love and blessings as well. My constant prayer is that my family is in the palm of God's hands, and there's no other place I want to be. : )



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Shower and Travels

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