Friday, September 15, 2023

Fall is my Favorite

 Seriously.....Who doesn't LOVE Fall?

To Some, the season is called FALL.  To others, it is referred to as Autumn! 🍁

How true this saying is!  "Today is the beginning of a new day, let it be something good"

Fall is definitely the season for being cozy.   Warm colors, Warm fires, Warm drinks, Warm blankets.....these things all speak comfort. πŸ‚

I believe that Fall is one of the most inspiring seasons of all.  Perhaps this is why I love it so much!



  1. Hi Shug!! It's been so long since I've been online and in blog-land! I love fall, it's truly my favorite time of year. Your beautiful decorations make me want to drink apple cider and eat something with pumpkin spice! They're gorgeous! I was just looking through your, Alaska posts! My husband was in Seward earlier this summer Halibut fishing, he loves it there!! Good to visit your beautiful blog!! Hugs, Barb

  2. Happy September and October Days to you my friend. For us Wisconsin folks, November usually brings on winter... but maybe we will have a wee bit more Autumn weather in November too. Crossing my fingers.

  3. This is my abosulte favorite season...if we could just skip summer altogether Iwould be the happiest! Love your fall decor, just beautiful. Where did you get the white jug?


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Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........