Friday, June 16, 2023

51 years plus 5

 June 16th, 1972. 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛

Today is mine and Sam's Anniversary!

51 years, plus 5!  Plus 5, because we dated 5 years before we married.

Freshman year in High School is where it all began....on Wednesday March 13th, 1968.  Kids now days do not even know what going STEADY means, but this is what we called it.  

This meant we were committed to dating only each other. Not a single break up through those dating years...and certainly not a break up for the past 51 years....maybe a teeny, tiny, quarrel ever now and then, but not anything that would cause us to want to spend a minute away from one another. 

He keeps me laughing and I love it!

And we have enjoyed plenty of great vacations together...

This man has truly been my rock! 
Not only does he love me, he is a true gentleman....

I might be a bit spoiled...

Happy Anniversary Sam.




  1. Happy anniversary! I hope you have a wonderful day, and let us know how you celebrated. Neither of you look old enough to be married this long!!

  2. Happy Anniversary... oh I LOVED this post. Thank you for sharing the photos of you two love birds.


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