Thursday, June 29, 2023

Are you Waiting?

 Are you Waiting for something?


"Wait for the Lord; be strong and let your heart be courageous.  Wait for the Lord."

                                    Psalms 27:14 

Wait on the Lord!

Yes....God has a plan for each of us...
The problem is, we sometimes try to have our own plan.  

God's ways are better than my ways!!  Simply said!!   As a person with an OCD type of personality, I find myself trying to rush God.  I want HIS answer to come quickly so that I can move forward.  


My Calendar is something that I check several times a day.  I live by a Calendar.  Anyone else out there that does this?  

Calendar and a Clock!

This can become stressful and I find myself becoming overwhelmed with life.  

I woke up Early this morning and went outside to sit by the pool, while I sipped my coffee.  
It was so refreshing and I felt so much peace.

This is how God wants us to feel.  HE wants us to Trust HIM and HE wants us to give HIM our day.  Forget about the Calendar....forget about the clock.  Just Trust Him and receive renewed strength.  

Why hurry?  Why live with anxiety? 

Just WAIT to see God's plans unfold!!



  1. Yes, we have a big calendar in a wooden frame on the kitchen wall. Your yard is gorgeous!!! And God's plans are always better than ours, even when we don't think so. His very ways are not understandable by us.

  2. I don't know what I would do without my calendars- a big one on the kitchen bar and a journal calendar on my dresser. But you are right, it can be stressful and intimidating and can cause anxiety, especially when there is an event coming up that I don't really want to do- like a doctor appointment :)

  3. Hi, yep, I am like you, I live by my calendar and to do list. I needed this reminder today, thank you. Love, Carla


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Daylight, Paths and Pigs

  Good Morning Friends.....Today is  C-H-O-O-S-E day!  Choose to smile, choose to be kind, choose to be happy, choose to be YOU!           ...