Sunday, December 18, 2022

Texas Christmas

 A True Texas Christmas!   

Everyone knows that a true Texas Christmas needs to include an oil well or maybe two!!!...

Isn't this cute?  Someone did a great job creating this.  

I'm posting a few December photos....  In this first picture, Mylee jo decided that she wanted to make a German Chocolate cake.....from scratch.  My kitchen may have been a mess when she finished, but the outcome of the cake was Awesome!!  She may just be a little Baker!!

We had Christmas with Sam's parents last weekend and the 4 granddaughters sang "Rudolph" for them.  They are both 93 years old and the girls have sang this for them every year for the past 40 plus years.  

Isn't it amazing how the smallest of things can bring such joy to others?

Here are a few pictures from around our cozy home....

I truly love 💙 our Country style home!  Sam and I both enjoy collecting antiques and I use a lot of the things that we collect in my decorating.  

Here is a picture of our house all lit up at night....

The "RED" lights really are beautiful.....

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas.  



  1. It's good to see you Shug. Your home looks so festive. I did not know what an oil well looked like till right now! Wow, it is so cute and creative! And Mylee Jo has grown so much, she is growing into a beautiful young lady.

  2. I like the santa and the oil well and how your home is glowing red. Amazing.

  3. Hi Shug! I love the oil well... too cute! I promise you won't find anything like that in Idaho! How blessed you are to still be able to hug your parents on Christmas, and what a wonderful gift of song from your beautiful granddaughters! Your home is gorgeous, and I love the beautiful red lights, so gorgeous!! Merry Christmas, Shug!! I have sure enjoyed your friendship after all these blogging years! Hugs!


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Daylight, Paths and Pigs

  Good Morning Friends.....Today is  C-H-O-O-S-E day!  Choose to smile, choose to be kind, choose to be happy, choose to be YOU!           ...