Saturday, January 7, 2023

Whew....So Many Blessing

 Well Y'all......This Texas family was very Blessed during the Holiday's and I hope you all were as well.

We had several different celebrations with family and friends, and the great thing is......Jesus Christ was the center of every event.  After all....this is what Christmas is all about!!

First and foremost....We were all well.   Last year at Christmas, Trey was recovering from a very bad wreck. A year later....he has improved greatly, but still has a few issues.  Believing God for Trey's TOTAL healing!

Sam's Parents are each 93...almost 94 years old, and they are both healthy.  This is a huge Blessings!!

My side of the family (Kidd Family) gathered on December 23rd to celebrate Christmas together.  Almost everyone was there.  So much fun!  Lots of good food and many, many laughs.  I love this crew!!  I have two older nephews that really keep us all laughing.  

Coleman on the youngest brother....and Cody on the right.   These 2 Nephews should have been comedians!

We had Christmas with Sam's family earlier in December and they each were great in singing "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer"

Our two beautiful granddaughters.....Mylee Jo and Tori!  
They both love life!!

Our California kids....We miss them so much....Hopefully they will be home for Christmas next year!

The grandkids....trying to figure out the clues for the outdoor scavenger hunt.   I worked hard on this and believe me, it wasn't easy for them.  They had to go several places .....including the cemetery.....and they had to piece together puzzles as well as code clues.  It took them about 45 minutes to get it all done and to get back to our house.....The clues led them to their stockings!!
Always a FUN time for them and they want a new scavenger hunt every year!!

LOL.....They even had to wear red noses and antlers around town!!

Trista's family.....(Tori, Trista, Ty, Tucker and Emily) and Maggie the dog!
Maggie just had surgery a couple days before, so she had to wear a cone through the Holidays...

As you can tell....Family is very important to me!
Big hugs to you all...


  1. Hi Shug~ Happy New Year!! I pray that this is a great one for you and your beautiful family! What a fun Christmas! I loved the scavenger hunt idea, what a fun activity for kids...and adults ;0) Sam's parents look so wonderful, you can tell that they love each other, what a blessing to live that long and still have your sweetheart with you! You really do have such a beautiful family, Shug

  2. Hi Shug~ Happy New Year!! What a fun Christmas season you had! I loved the scavenger hunt idea, what a fun thi ng for kids and adults to do. I especially loved the light up noses! Sam's parents look amazing! Isn't it wonderful that at that age they still have each other, what a blessing. You really do have such a beautiful family, I can't believe how much they have grown since we have been blogging together! Thank you for your kind words on my last blog post. This year will be a challenging one, and prayer is what will get me through - I am hoping that before long, it will be behind me! Hugs and Love, Barb

  3. Happy New Year, I LOVE the idea of the scavenger hunt. I just might have to steal this idea. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!

    Thank you for sharing your family with us. Praying for your family and you in 2023!!


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Daylight, Paths and Pigs

  Good Morning Friends.....Today is  C-H-O-O-S-E day!  Choose to smile, choose to be kind, choose to be happy, choose to be YOU!           ...