Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Simple Life

 "Life is Really simple, but we insist on making it complicated."


             "Childhood means Simplicity.  Look at the world with the child's eye - it's very Beautiful."

                                               Kailash Satyarthi

"I prefer the simple things and I love walking in the countryside, or going camping....But simplicity is hard.  It's easier to over complicate things..."

                                         Bill Bailey

Oh how I need to read this last one over and over again.  I have a tendency to over complicate things on a daily basis.  Seems that this year, I truly have opted to go for the more simplicity way of life.  

Our grandson and his lovely wife are what I would call "Minimalist" and to be honest, it looks pretty good on them.  

If they don't need it, they don't get it!!  If it's not something that brings joy and happiness to the family....they don't want it.  They save for the important things in their lives and they do not go into debt to satisfy themselves.

They are very family oriented, and just enjoying the outdoor way of life.  Mind you, they do not go without, they just have a different way at looking at living a simple life.  

The Tree in my header photo is a tree that I have in our Bedroom.  A simple Christmas tree with white lights.  I chose not to decorate it, because I love the simplicity of how it looks. 

There is such a feeling of Peace and Joy when you satisfy your heart without putting pressure on yourself.  


Hope you too will enjoy the Simple!!

Shug! 💜


  1. As one who overthinks, and suffers for it, I totally agree! And your tree is lovely!

  2. Oh, that is so true. I seem to complicate everything! Your simple white tree is beautiful.

  3. Hi, oh yes, I agree. I love your sweet tree, perfect. xx oo

  4. Hello! I have read so many posts today that talk about simplifying and cutting back on - overdoing. I'm not a minimalist, but I think it's a great way to look at life. I love your beautiful, simple tree, what a wonderful way to end your evening. Hugs to you, Shug!


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