Monday, February 21, 2022

 God is Enough!  God is enough for each of us today, tomorrow, and every single day forever.  

You want to feel refreshed today?  Take a break and feel God's abundant Grace...


Today is a perfect day to reach out and receive God's new Blessings.  His Blessings are new every morning.  

God's grace is as fresh as the new day.....His unmerited favor is waiting for us!  Perhaps there is one who is experiencing a day of sorrow, a day of heaviness or a day of loneliness.  Reach out and speak God's name.  Share with HIM about HIS promises.  Wait on God, seek Him, for HE is prepared to fight your battle for you!

God's Mercy and Compassions fail not.  

Enjoy this beautiful day. 



  1. Beautiful flowers and wise words. 💜 thanks

  2. YES!!! And your white tulips are gorgeous...white as snow as the bible would say.

  3. Oh, thank you so much for these words of encouragement .


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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