Saturday, July 13, 2019

I have been blogging for 9 1/2 years now.  My anniversary month is in December!!   I would love to tell you that I have written a post for every single day of these past nine and a half years, but the truth is....I haven't!!!  Oh geez....the first year, I was really into it and I blogged almost every single day, BUT...after a year or so, I cut way back.

This past week, I was looking back at some of my post from those first couple of years of blogging and I noticed that I had a whole lot more energy back then.  My writings seemed to have more meaning from the many post that I write about today.     I must say, blogging has been great therapy for me.  I needed this adventure!

My mother had passed away, my grandson was in treatment for Leukemia, my dad was not well and I needed to help him take care of my niece.  I had a whole lot on my plate, but the Lord was watching over me all the time.

Just out of the blue, I decided to look up blogging and from one evening of searching "How To Blog," I started the blogging journey.   Even though I sometimes get what I call "Blogging Block," I still enjoy blogging as much as I did way back then.

Below is one of my early post from December of 2012.......thought you might enjoy it.

Last Day of 2012
Oh my....It's hard to believe that this is the LAST day of 2012.  As many would say....."Where has the year gone?"

365 days.....have just flown by (AGAIN.)  I remember when I was younger, I would hear older people say
"Time is passing by so fast" and in my mind, I was thinking....."Are you kidding me, It's still 4 hours before my date with Sam, and time is standing still!"

Now that I'm older, my how I understand what they were talking about...WAY BACK THEN!

New Beginnings are special....and I don't know about you, but I am looking forward to what the year 2013 will bring.  I can already see some challenges in the future, but I plan to push forward, with a vengeance to get through these.  After all, a challenge can only make me stronger.

I see big changes in the days and months ahead.  August will be a key month for me this year.   For one thing, my (?0)  birthday will be on the 24th of August.      And then.....Mylee Jo will be starting school!  Yes, she is the last of our six grandchildren to journey off to school, and this means that Shug will be left behind, ALONE!

I have been Blessed to be a stay at home grandmother and I have been Blessed to be able to take care of each one of our precious babies!  I have experienced 17 of the Best years EVER.

But, the time is drawing closer for me to move on with my OWN life.   I have to tell you, I'm a bit scared.   What does my future hold?  What am I going to do?    For 17 years, less a few months, my life has been entertained by what?

I'm thinking.....if I worked a few years, I could certainly add to our retirement.  But, 17 years is a long time to be out of the work force and things have changed, drastically!!  I don't even SHOP at Walmart, so how could I possibly expect them to hire me as a greeter?  (not)

Seriously.....changes are on the way for me in 2013 and I really DON'T know what to do!!  I don't Know what the future holds, but none of us we?  Whatever it is that God has in store for me, I plan to do it with HIS wisdom and HIS direction.

Hope you all enjoy a wonderful New Year celebration.......Be smart, Be safe, and Be Blessed!



  1. Now I need to find out how long I have been Blogging. Probably about the same number of years as you. I think it is not that important that we post every day. The content counts more. Plus I think of blogging as a hobby. And we do our hobbies only when we have the time for them, otherwise they control us instead of vise versa. I always enjoy your posts! They are interesting, beautiful, and inspirational.

  2. That was a good read. Time changes so many things in our lives. I couldn't help but think,I am looking retirement in the eye and am fearful to make that final decision.In God's timing He will show me the way,I know that.

  3. Hi Shug!

    Oh my goodness, where does the time go?! I have been blogging for 10 years in August, and it sure doesn't seem like it has been that long.

    I loved reading your post from 2012, I'm sure that life has had a few surprises for you, but way more blessings! I try to just cherish each day and try to learn from the days that are behind me. I guess I will just keep blogging until the end!!

    Hugs and Love,

  4. Time does fly and blogging has changed so much from when I started
    TEN years ago this month.
    Congratulations and keep it up, I would miss you and your families

    M : )


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Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........