Monday, December 31, 2012

Last Day of 2012

Oh my....It's hard to believe that this is the LAST day of 2012.  As many would say....."Where has the year gone?"

365 days.....have just flown by (AGAIN.)  I remember when I was younger, I would hear older people say
"Time is passing by so fast" and in my mind, I was thinking....."Are you kidding me, It's still 4 hours before my date with Sam, and time is standing still!"

Now that I'm older, my how I understand what they were talking about...WAY BACK THEN!

New Beginnings are special....and I don't know about you, but I am looking forward to what the year 2013 will bring.  I can already see some challenges in the future, but I plan to push forward, with a vengeance to get through these.  After all, a challenge can only make me stronger.

I see big changes in the days and months ahead.  August will be a key month for me this year.   For one thing, my (?0)  birthday will be on the 24th of August.      And then.....Mylee Jo will be starting school!  Yes, she is the last of our six grandchildren to journey off to school, and this means that Shug will be left behind, ALONE!

I have been Blessed to be a stay at home grandmother and I have been Blessed to be able to take care of each one of our precious babies!  I have experienced 17 of the Best years EVER.

But, the time is drawing closer for me to move on with my OWN life.   I have to tell you, I'm a bit scared.   What does my future hold?  What am I going to do?    For 17 years, less a few months, my life has been entertained by what?

I'm thinking.....if I worked a few years, I could certainly add to our retirement.  But, 17 years is a long time to be out of the work force and things have changed, drastically!!  I don't even SHOP at Walmart, so how could I possibly expect them to hire me as a greeter?  (not)

Seriously.....changes are on the way for me in 2013 and I really DON'T know what to do!!  I don't Know what the future holds, but none of us we?  Whatever it is that God has in store for me, I plan to do it with HIS wisdom and HIS direction.

Hope you all enjoy a wonderful New Year celebration.......Be smart, Be safe, and Be Blessed!



  1. Welcome to a new year, Shug, and a new beginning for each of us... The slate is clean and we can start over!!!!!

    I had the opposite situation. I went from full-time work ALL of my adult life to retirement. My family/friends who knew me well said that I would be miserable not working. HA--they were so wrong... I love it. I truly stay busier now than I ever did before. I am getting to do so many things which I never had time to do before.

    Whatever you do, just make sure you are doing something which you enjoy doing. Don't tie yourself down with a non-flexible job in case there are sick kids or in case you get an opportunity to travel.

    BUT--you may enjoy some part-time work in a little shop of some kind (Mom and Pop place), or maybe a small job in your church. You love people --so that would give you a chance to be with people. AND--you could be flexible enough to work it all into your schedule, and get some more money in your pocket at the same time.. Just my thoughts... Good Luck.

    Happy 2013.

  2. Shug, I know whatever 2013 has in store for you, you will embrace it with gusto! God has the perfect thing waiting for you. I wish you all the best and thank you for your encouraging words this past year, especially where my photography is concerned. You are a great blogging buddy. Praying God's blessings for you now and in the future. Hugs!

  3. You have some deep thought going on I know it will all be good in Gods hands. We just had our first granddaughter start kindergarten this year and we have 4 more to go. I am praying we spend lots more time with each of them this year. That is why I stopped working so I can be part of my grandchildren's lives. They all live so far away we have to work hard to stay in touch.
    I wish you well in the New Year.

  4. I'm looking for a little part time job too next year and I'm sacred too!
    To a wonderful new year - 2013! sandie♥

  5. Oh, my, I didn't realize that you had kept all of your Grandchildren over a 17 year period. My goodness, you deserve an award!

    Wishing you God's direction as you go forth in this new year!

  6. Well, after they are all at school, I think you should just take awhile for yourself to do anything you want with the days. Reading magazines, shopping, long bubble baths. Then start to think about any permanent plans you may want. They would hire you as a greeter in a minute!!! You would be better than most of them, most of the greeters I have passed do not greet, it is more of a grumble. You would be perfect with your cheerful and bubbly personality!

  7. How great of you to be there for your grandchildren! That will be good memories for all of you. Whatever you decide for this year, you will succeed for sure because of your faith and positive attitude, Shug.

    Happy New Year to you and your family!!!

  8. Embrace the change.It is so good that we don't know what the future holds,but we DO know Who holds the future. Happy New Year to you and your family.


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Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........