Thursday, July 18, 2019

It is full force Summer around here!  Here I go again.....Watering pot plants, in the mornings and the evenings.   I refuse to think about how much my water bill is going to be!

I recently updated my computer and guess what?  THINGS CHANGED!!   Oh my goodness.......why does this happen.   As of right now, I cannot access my photos in order to use them on my post.   I can go to my photos just like I have always done, but just can't use them when I write a post.   So...for this reason, no photos today.

In this busy tech world that we live in, everyone thinks you need to text more than you need to actually have a conversation on the phone.   I will say it......I DON'T LIKE TO TEXT!!!!!   My girls, my husband, my grandkids, and seems like everyone that I know,  prefers texting.   Don't get me's not that I have a problem with the teeny tiny keyboard.....because I JUST HAVE BIG FINGERS.   I just detest the guessing game of what the actual emotions and attitudes ARE of the sender.  

๐Ÿ˜…  ๐Ÿ˜–  ๐Ÿ˜‚  ๐Ÿ˜˜  ๐Ÿ˜ข  ๐Ÿ˜ง  ๐Ÿ˜ซ  ๐Ÿ˜ฌ  ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

On many occasions, I've had to ask myself........"Did I just get a sarcastic response?"   "Are they trying to make me feel good or bad?"........."Are they laughing at my text?"  "Are they taking me serious?"


Just this past week, I sent a message on FB messenger to one of my Face Book Friends....and the reply to a simple question was very questionable.   Made me want to question as to whether or not they are really my "Friend" or if they just follow me in hopes that I'll ask them a question so they can be rude!   LOL........

Back to Texting.......   I'm not a big fan of it.  I prefer to to talk to you!



  1. Hope you get your computer woes sorted out soon.It's frustrating when these handy things don't work right.

  2. Texting shows no emotion, so you have to be so careful of your words, and what they may mean. But I fear that only us older folks actually call people anymore. Our 13 year old granddaughter said she hates to call people and almost never does. She only texts. Gosh, what will you to about your pictures?

  3. Stay cool.


  4. Ha ha ha! I know how you feel. LOL ROTFL. IHNKK!JH? I made that last one up. It's like a secret language. What?!!

  5. Hi Shug!

    Oh boy, I know what you mean about computers! I haven't been able to comment on Blogger for over a week! I finally had to call and have my computer cleaned to get it to work...annoying!! I don't like to text either, I spend more time fixing spelling than anything, it takes way less time to call!

    Good luck with the photos, I always love to see what's going on in your world!

    Hugs and Love,

  6. Hi, I LOVE texting.... It's easy... It's fun. AND--I can stay currently up with my family/friends.... Love it. I also love FB commenting... That's another great way to keep in instant contact... I still like email --but not as much as I used to.

    Blogging is different... I've been blogging since 2006.... It 'used' to be my priority --and I would post every day and comment on my friends' posts EVERY day.... Took up most of my time each time. I loved it at the time (before FB and Texting)---and used to have over 50 friends/family coming to my blog every day.

    That got to be too much ---and I found that so-called friends would just disappear from Blogland with no warning/no goodbyes, etc. I came to realize that many of these 'friends' were not REAL friends to begin with.

    I stopped blogging off and on --but soon realized that I didn't want to blog for anyone else but ME. I started back (only about once a week) ---but enjoy it since it's my photo journal of sorts. I like to post about our trips (with lots of pictures, our flowers, our lives and families, etc.... I don't visit others' blogs as much as I'd like to --but usually take to time read or skim through what is going on. Now that I only have 20+ 'loyal' followers (who care about me even if I don't comment on their blog posts) ---I enjoy Blogging much more these days. I still find it less personal than texting, emailing and Facebook.... BUT--that's just me. (Sorry--I didn't to write a book... ha)

    Facebook Messenger is another story --and I won't get into it. Bottom Line: I hate it.

  7. I will agree about texting. It can be quite ambiguous. I have gotten better, though. I used to never text.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........