Friday, July 12, 2019

Good Morning......Welcome to my day!

Don't you just love it when God wakes you up in the middle of the night, to finish your prayers?  I was tired last night, but never do I want to fall asleep without thanking God for my day and thanking HIM for all of HIS goodness.  Praising God is the last thing I remember when I dozed off.

My prayer list is very long.....Family, Friends, Our Nation, Our World, and the list goes on!!

I wasn't even able to complete my prayers last night, because I fell off to sleep.   BUT...during the night (around 3:00) I woke up and it was if my prayers picked right back up.  I am so thankful that God is aware of my tiredness and HE allows me a few hours of rest in order to be rested before praying for others.

This doesn't happen often, but when it does, I am so much more aware of how important specific prayers can be.  People and situations have been placed on my heart for a reason and I never want to fail the Holy Spirit.....I don't mind that I am awakened in the wee morning hours to pray for others.  I count it a Blessing to have this opportunity!


My day is going to be a good one!  I have several things planned and then, this evening, Sam and I are going to be having dinner with 9 of our Wonderful friends.   How great is this!!

Be Blessed....


  1. All that comes to my mind is, God is so good.

  2. Yes, God is good! Also if you cannot fall asleep, it is good to use that time to pray as well. Your garden is beautiful!

  3. Prayers are a must for sure. Sounds like a fun dinner time!

  4. I've always enjoyed reading your blog posts...Yes --there have been changes for all of us over the past 10 years or so.... As we think of past years and our losses and sad times--and yes, painful times, we do need also look at all of the blessings in our lives...

    2017 was a rough year with 3 deaths in the family --plus a son with cancer... BUT--there were blessings and JOYS (especially an awesome trip out west for George and me).

    2018 was a very hard year for me healthwise..... BUT--I could still count my blessings and JOYS (especially the birth of my first Great Granddaughter, and the joy I felt when my middle son moved back to TN from TX).

    2019 so far is a year of change.... With my health problems in 2018, I decided to do something about them rather than living with them. Praise God for a successful Cardioversion and a successful Ablation).....

    Life is full of ups and downs..... But--we just need to remember that God is always with us...

    Great post. Thank You.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........