Friday, May 10, 2019

Mother's Day weekend.....such a very special time to honor Moms all around the world.  

My Mother is in heaven, and this post is a special Tribute to her!

I most definitely miss my mom on Mother's day, but there are many other days when I miss her the Most!  

Days when I need to call and chat, days when I need help with a recipe.....many days when I just need to be with her.  

My mother was such a Special lady and I learned through her, what it means to have a best friend, and to be a Best Friend.  We hear about children being a "Momma's Baby" and I know exactly what it means to be a.....Momma's Baby!  I was truly a Momma's Baby.   

My mother was like a security blanket for me!  We see children who tote their baby blankets around with them everywhere.  I actually have a granddaughter that is eleven years old, who still has to have her "Bwank Bwank" to go to sleep at night.   Mylee has an attachment to that blanket.  

Most all kids have an attachment to their moms.  Some are strong and some are REALLY STRONG.  I was one of those with an Extremely strong attachment to my Mother!   

My mother was a lady who always smiled....she loved people and she knew how to make others feel important.  She was very quite (in her own way) and was the type of person that helped others behind the scenes.  Her help was genuine!  Never did she want to be recognized for doing things for others.  

Mother LOVED flowers!  Her yard was her special place.  Watering her plants and hanging out in the garden was something she loved doing.  Her flowers were always healthy and beautiful.  Perhaps this is why I love flowers and love spending time watering my plants.   Never is there a time that I don't think of her when I go outside to tend to my flowers. 

She had her share of heart aches.  Her mom, my grandmother, passed away when my mom was 23 years old.   My mom had to care for not only my sister and myself, but she had two younger brothers (the youngest being 6 years old) that she had to help care for.  

Most all of you know that my parents raised my nieces and nephew, after their mom (my sister) was killed in a car wreck, when they were little.
I never....not once, ever heard my mom complain about raising these three kids.  At the age of 45, she and my dad took on the roll of being parents for a second time.  They become mentors, parents, and loving supporters for their grandchildren.  Their sacrifice was remarkable and full of love.   

The loss of a daughter and later, a grandson was very difficult, but my mom, my parents, stood strong for the rest of us as a family.   

This precious Mother of mine, was my biggest hero!!
There are no words that could possibly give her all of the credit that she so deserved, for being the "Outstanding Mother" that she was! 

My Mother was an Excellent cook!!  She made the best pound cake, drizzling with a thin icing.  I would love to have one of her Egg Custard pies right now.   I know this is an easy pie to make, but never, have I ever tasted another egg custard pie as good as hers.  Everything she cooked was the BEST.

I thought about her yesterday, I think about her today, and I will remember her for all the days to come.    I will always be thankful for all of the Sweet, sweet, memories that I have of this lovely lady.  

She was A True Lady full of great character and love.  Her character still lives on today in those that she so strongly touched.  

Happy Heavenly Mother's Day Mom....


Happy Mother's Day to you all...


  1. Beautiful tribute to a special lady.

  2. She really was wonderful! The kind of mom that everyone would want. You were so blessed to have her.

  3. She sounds like remarkable Lady!

  4. Great for your mother and Happy Mother's Day! Just saw the post below, the remodeling looks great, beautiful flooring!
    Take care

  5. Hi Shug~

    What a beautiful tribute to your mom, she sounds like a very special lady, who has a very special daughter. I wish I could give you a hug!

    I love your floors, they are just gorgeous!! Can't wait for more pictures!

    Have a wonderful week-end!

    Hugs and Love,


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