Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Yay!   I'm HOME! WE are home!......  Trista and I enjoyed our trip to South Carolina, to visit our little military family.   They are doing GREAT.....and their home is so nice.   Hard to believe that they are newlyweds!  

Emmy is an excellent decorator and she also loves antiques.  No doubt, that their home could be in any magazine and would Oooed and awwwed over.     So, so, so cute!

I have lots of photos to show from this trip....   We visited so many lovely places and I took so many pictures.   


Right now.......this week.......this is what is happening!

                         This handsome guy is Graduating!

This has been a busy week!  Lots of Senior events going on and much love being poured out to our senior, Carson Kidd Booth!

So very proud of him and of all of his accomplishments.   He has a great future ahead of him.   In August, he will attend TCS,  a one year post grad baseball school.   


House Update!   Floors are down.   Still finishing up the office addition on the house.   Hopefully, all the trim work will be finished by the weekend.   Then comes paint and flooring. a couple of weeks, my house will be back to normal.  Keeping my fingers crossed!

Hope you all have a great day!  Lots of unsettled weather all around, so everyone please stay safe.  



  1. Welcome back, I can't wait to see the pictures of your adventures!

  2. Congratulations to your grad Carson.


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Something New

  If you've ever wondered just how much of a Texas twang I might have, today is your day to find out.  I recorded this little video this...