Sunday, March 17, 2019

Good Sunday morning.....hope you have your GREEN on!

When I was MUCH younger, wearing green on St. Patrick's Day was a big thing.    As a kid, my friend's and I would get excited when St. Patrick's day arrived.   We couldn't wait to get to school in order to seek our someone who may have forgotten to wear GREEN.

Back in those days, you could (softly) pinch someone on SPD and not get in trouble.    Fun day, fun times, that not many kids these days get to experience.  

Our pinches were not done to be was fun to catch someone off guard, someone who forgot to wear green on that day.

I can even remember forgetting to wear green myself!  Hey....the solution was to pick out a green crayon and stick it on the top of your ear....(kinda like you would do a pencil)

We used our creative thinking skills to make sure that we had some type of green on our bodies.   

It is said that way back in the 17th century, back in Ireland.....being pinched on St. Patrick's Day for not wearing Green, was a simple reminder that Leprechauns could sneak up on you at any time and give you a pinch!  


I'm not Irish....but...I'm wishing you a 

 Happy Day 

shug ~


  1. I hope you have a great day! Yes, I remember it WAS more of a big deal when we were kids. Something so simple, but so much fun. Choosing what we would wear the day before, seeing what all the other kids wore. Seems like childhood is so much more complicated now!

  2. I wonder if they really wore green back in the old days of St. Patrick?

  3. nice post about St. Patrick's day.

    have a great day

  4. Those were the days !!!

    Hope you had a fun day!

    M : )


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