Sunday, August 12, 2018

Just this week, we have had the opportunity to celebrate two different birthdays for 2 of our grandsons.....

Carson......He is now a senior in High School... in college and works part-time at a bank.  

Carson turned 17 on Monday, August 6th and Tucker turned 20 today....August 12th.   What a wonderful Blessing these two guys are to Sam and I.  

Ironically, both of these two grandsons are Type I diabetics.  When it comes to Birthday cakes.....we have to be very cautious about the sweet taste and the sugar.  

I've wished them both Happy Birthdays......but what I really wish for is a Cure for Diabetes.   I've seen both of these young guys have good days and BAD days.  I've seen them have to alter plans and I've seen them have to decline certain things, due to their diabetes.

I pray for God's protection to be upon both of these guys.  I pray for them to make good, healthy decisions when it comes to taking care of their bodies.  I pray for a cure.....and I pray for them both to live long healthy lives.   

I also pray for them to be a blessing to others...     Want you join me in wishing them both a Happy Birthday?



  1. Happy Birthday to Carson and Tucker. These fellas are a blessing to you, but I am sure that you are a huge blessing to them as well.

  2. A huge happy birthday to both of your good looking grandsons! My, they have grown up fast!! I am so sorry about the diabetes. I believe type 1 can be inherited. But it is good that they are living in this day and age. Today, they should live long and healthy lives, with all the advances that medicine has made. I have a friend who has had it since a child, and he is in his 80's!

  3. Happy Birthday to both of these Grandsons... They are both handsome young men --and they certainly don't show any signs of illness... Diabetes is EVERYWHERE these days --but most have Type II (which seems to be caused by not eating right and not exercising)... Type I is much more serious ---so I will keep both boys in my prayers... (My boyfriend in high school --now age 75--- has Type I---and he's still doing great.)


  4. Happy Birthday and good luck to them both! I get you with the sugar and birthday cakes, etc. as our younger son, Matt, has been diabetic since he was 8 and is 43 now, keeping very busy with his son and traveling for his forensic electrical engineering job. Here's hoping and praying for a cure for diabetes!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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