Tuesday, January 14, 2025

14 Boxes

"This is a great day for us all to create our own happiness" 

 Isn't this a beautiful statement? 

 Carrying 14 boxes of household goods to Hangers of Hope was a rewarding experience for me.   Hangers of Hope is certainly more than just a donation center, it's a place to give....... It is great knowing that others can benefit from your giving.  Let me tell you, this place is ALWAYS busy.  People all around are looking and needing affordable prices.

LOL...I am not sure how I did it, because those 14 boxes were physically challenging for me.  The thought that these donations could help families in need, made the effort worthwhile.

This morning, I am feeling soreness in my arms and my legs, from all of bending, squatting and lifting that I did yesterday. 

                * * * * *

Do you make your bed every morning?  

This is a must do for me!  There is just something about knowing your bed is made and  all ready for the covers to be pulled back for another nights rest.  

What about Pillows on your bed?  Do you have a stack of pillows being displayed on your bed each day?  

I have just a few!!!

Every night.....I take them off and every morning I put them back on.  

crazy isn't it?

I suppose I do it because it makes me happy.  

What will I clean today?  
we shall see!




  1. Shug, that is awesome that you managed to clear out and donate 14 boxes to Hangers of Hope. I love that name, by the way. There are so many people who will benefit from your generous donation, and will love all the nice goodies that you shared. It's no wonder you are sore today, but you did a very good thing, something that takes most people a lot of time and effort to do. My sister is struggling with it right now, as she's 70, but still plugging away at it. Yes, I do make my bed every day, and it's nice to snuggle in when it's time for a nap. I like your headboard, Shug, it's pretty. What a wonderful post this is today.


  2. Fourteen boxes is WONDERFUL! You are going to make so many people happy. You go girl. You have more?
    Yes, I make my bed every day, however I do not have pillows on it like you do. Don't think I could go on with the day without making it.
    Glad you feel so good.

  3. Well, if you need a suggestion...you can come and clean my house..HaHa..
    Awesome job of decluttering. We have a thrift shop that is called Acres of Hope that is much like the one you took your things to.
    We are Blessed to be a Blessing.

  4. I have six pillows on my bed and I wake up, go potty, make the bed before I leave the bedroom. if its not made, I am ILL or in the middle of a hurricane. I can't stand to walk in the room and see an unmade bed. make it 7 if we count the head rest pillow like for riding in a car. its my head rest for laying on the end of the bed doing leg exercise each day. my donations go to Hope Chest. they are owned by Hope Services, they work with abused women and their children, they clothe them, help find jobs, set up new homes with things donated and pay for a home that keeps them safe, and they can keep about 15 families there for a short term. it is a secret where it is. they sell what is donated to pay for expenses and they sell it cheap, so people who have no money can afford to have clothing and a lamp shade. the price of lampshades at Walmart starts at 30 dollars. the ones in my living room in 2005 were 10 dollars. good job on the 14 boxes

  5. So with one project you did both your good deed and your exercise for the day :-)

    I make the bed every day, but only have two decorative pillow shams on top.

  6. Oh my gosh, Shug! Your post makes me so happy. Your pillow arrangement is absolutely gorgeous. And what I love is how you matched the colors and patterns. I would never have thought of this combination in a million years, as I have no talent for this. But all together, they look wonderful and perfect!! Where do you put them overnight? I wish I knew how to do this. I told you long ago that you should have been an interior decorator! Your posts give me ideas, too. Goodness, I can't imagine how unwieldly those boxes must have been with all the lampshades in them!

  7. Good for you! You sorted and cleaned and through it helped others; that's a win-win!
    I do make my bed every morning. Doesn't feel right without doing that.
    I only have a few pillows though. I like how yours looks!

  8. 14 box-loads is wonderful! And so fast you accomplished that project.
    Yes, I have to make my bed every morning; if not, my day just feels incomplete. I've only 7 pillow toppers right now, but it's fun to arrange them this way and that.

  9. 14 boxes? Way to go. You are really on a roll with the decluttering.
    I used to be very good about making my bed every morning but lately I've been very lazy and let it go. I tried putting pillows on my bed once and I found it a real bother to keep taking them off and putting them back on. Now it's just the bed pillows.

  10. Good for you, Shug! And doesn't your home feel lighter now? You inspire!

    And, yes, I make my bed every morning. It's right on the main floor and can be seen when you walk into our kitchen. I can't bear the thought of someone dropping by and seeing my bed unmade. :)

  11. That is amazing you had 14 boxes to donate! I bet you feel much lighter! I enjoy shopping thrift stores. There’s one that is near and dear to me- it helps raise money to pay for low income veterinarian bills as well as giving funds to local animal shelters. They also offer free spaying and neutering. That particular one has nice things! There’s about three others I donate my stuff to. Some refuse certain items while others will accept them.

    Yes the bed is made every morning - we have 2 pillows with shams and 2 smaller pillows. That’s manageable.

  12. I just put your blog on my 'fun to visit' list on my sidebar. I love your blog and have missed visiting with you. We have 4 boxes to go to a charity thrift store this week. It really does feel good to know someone else will enjoy things you no longer need. I make my bed every day but don't put throw pillows on like I used to! Hugs!

  13. Good for you! Sounds like a good purge! Yes I have pillows on my bed...not as pretty as yours:)

  14. Wow! That was a lot of work and you made a lot of people happy doing it. I have three pillows on my bed. Where do you put yours at night?


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