Saturday, August 11, 2018

I love the rain and I love it even more when it rains on a hot summer day.   The past two days, we have had some rain.  It has left such a sweet fragrance in the air.    The temps have cooled down a bit and the plants seem to be shouting praise to the Lord.

I have kinda been "out of pocket" for about the past 10 days or so, and haven't even had a chance to step outside to water any of the plants in my yard.  

Unfortunately,  I lost a couple of small plants...
One was a small butterfly plant that I just had not had a chance to plant in the ground yet.....the other was a hanging basket.  With the Texas heat, it doesn't take but a day or so for hanging baskets to dry out completely.   It doesn't take long for planted plants or trees to get to dry either.  

There is nothing like the sound of a soft falling rain.  

Today....I am thankful for answered prayers....
I am thankful for God's amazing grace.....
I'm thankful for the rain.....
and I'm thankful for each of you!

Shug ~


  1. Even the pictures of rain look refreshing.

  2. Hooray, finally rain!! I love your header! It is so cheerful and artistic!

  3. WOW! Happy to hear about the rain to set down the heat!
    Enjoy the climate! Plants become happy when they receive rain:)


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