Friday, July 28, 2017

This has been one of the fastest months that I've seen in a long while.   I guess that when you're having a GREAT time....the days pass by fast.  

As most of you ALREADY know....Tyler was home from his Tech school, from the 5th of the month until the 23rd.  Wow....what a great time for our family!  He made it to his duty station this past Monday, and I am already getting excited about the trip that Sam and I are go see him at his new base.

As a family....we fished, we fished, and we fished.  We had a great fish fry, but we didn't cook the fish that we caught!!!  LOL.   We bought the good ol' catfish that Sam cooked.  Of can't live in Texas and not have a BBQ.  So....we had a BBQ with all of the good fixings of baked beans, potato salad and good ol' Sweet 
Tea!    And....we traveled!!

You know what they say......Time passes fast when you're having fun!!   

Can I just tell you, over the past year.....I have certainly learned a whole lot about the sacrifices that are made on behalf of our military men and women.

When it comes to our Airman.....there has not been an easy "See You Later" as of yet.   It is difficult seeing them move so far away, knowing that you won't see them for a good while.   

Oh wow....I had better move on to another topic before I get all teary eyed.


Blogging has become more and more difficult for me to keep up with.   What helps is being FB friends with so many of you.   I truly miss reading about the things that are happening with each of you and your families.   If you are on FB or Instagram and we have not become friends yet.....then I would love to friend you and keep up with you that way.

As soon as the summer time is over and our kiddos get back in school....I do plan to do more inspirational writings on my blog.

Speaking of school......Sam and I will have a grandson entering his first year of college, and I'm so very thankful for SCHOLARSHIPS!!  I'm sure you all know what a Blessing it is for your child, grandchild to get scholarships..!?

We also will have a Junior in High School....a Sophomore....a Freshman, and then a 4th grader.    Am I really getting older?

I may not be getting older, but Sam P. certainly is.   My goodness, our mailbox has been packed full of mail from insurance companies, giving us all the details about "Supplemental" insurance.   Sam turns 65 in Medicare is just around the corner.   

While aging, it's best to age with great joy!!

Hope to be back on this blog site real soon.....



  1. Sounds like your summer has been full and so much fun. Keep on having fun.

  2. Good to hear from you, Shug! Sounds like you have had a great summer. Looking forward to hearing from you some more.

  3. I have been missing you Shug! But especially in the summer, things do get wild. I LOVE your new header. I cannot imagine how very hard it is to have a loved one in the armed service.

  4. I knew where you were and knew you were having an awesome summer.... Keep on keeping on ---and don't worry about blogging... I don't have much time for it these days either...



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Something New

  If you've ever wondered just how much of a Texas twang I might have, today is your day to find out.  I recorded this little video this...