Tuesday, July 4, 2017

4th of July


                            Family today....Friends tonight.....

Myles bike......all decorated up for the parade tonight at the park......


Shanda and Trey....

The two 15 year olds.....
I have to work hard to get them to smile for the camera...
as you can see, they didn't smile this time!!

Me and Trey....enjoying a popsicle!!

another part of our crew....JUST BEFORE THEY THREW ME IN THE POOL !!!!! ~~~~~  NO PICTURES OF THAT!!

S0N-in-LaWs........Tom and Ty!

Sam....photo bombing this picture of Carson and Trey.

Brisket....Ribs....Smoked Turkey....Corn on the cob....salad....Cream potatoes.....mac and cheese....rolls....tea....
and Oreo cookie pie!   Thats what was for dinner!!

Happy 4th.....to all of you!!!!!



  1. That meal sounds delicious. It is good to see you having family fun on this special day.

  2. You and your family sure know how to have FUN!! Love your bandanna banner!

  3. Happy Fourth of July Shug, and did you say "threw me in the pool?" That might be refreshing, ha ha.

  4. Sounds like you had a fun 4th minus the pool entry. :)
    So fun to be with the family.

    M : )

  5. What a fun and adorable family. The love and fun does show right through the pictures. Happy 4th.


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