Sunday, July 30, 2017

No Thank you........!!!!!

As a child, I loved playing out in the rain, and I liked playing in the mud.  Did any of you ever have mud fights with your siblings?  I can remember playing out in the bar ditches....after a good ol' rain.

It was always fun to slip and slide in the mud puddles...and perhaps, throw a little mud on my sister and brothers.  

Not many kiddos play out in the rain, ANYMORE.  

This past week....the youth group at our church had a MUD DAY.

Theses kids had a Blast......

It has been above a 100 degrees outside, so maybe this was a great way to cool down!!    

This is Carson.....getting ready for a mud pull.

Mylee jo and our youth pastor's daughter.......

When this mud gets in your hair, it is very difficult to get it off of the scalp.   

I don't particularly want to cool down by covering myself in mud, really does look like a lot of fun!!



  1. I was going to say that this is good clean fun, but that would be wrong. It is innocent fun.I'm sure the young people had a blast.

  2. That is a lot of mud! lol Looks like they had a great time!!!

  3. Well, I think this church is to be commended for this! What kid doesn't love playing in the mud on a hot day? As for me, I think I'll go and take an extra long shower now...

  4. Great header pic, Shug! I grew up on a farm, but never played in the mud that I can remember, but did in the rain. Great that the kids got to do this! Fun, fun!!!

  5. Hi Shug!

    I loved playing in the mud! I still like to squish my toes through the mud! I love seeing kids at church camp, it's good clean fun . . . oops, maybe not all the time!

    Fun post!


  6. LOVE your header photo, Shug! Beautiful!!! I remember playing in the mud as a child, too. Looks to me like there was a LOT of fun enjoyed here! Great activity for the kiddos.

    I'm with you on your last post... time is just flying past as we are having fun. So glad your summer is so full of goodness! blessings ~ tanna

  7. Well everyone seemed to be having a grand time playing in the mud. I'm not so sure I'd do it but you never know until you try something if you are going to like it or not.


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Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........