Wednesday, June 28, 2017

A Little This and That

Who doesn't love a little bit of "This" and "That" from time to time.....I've got pictures...but not a lot of stories to go with them...

Hopefully....this one won't scare you.   It's just Tori and her sweet, precious friend, Natalie.   They were shopping for their "ORANGE"
day at church camp!   Each day...has a theme and each group has a name.    I know that Trey and Carson are the "Purple porcupines"
but I can't remember the name of Tori and Nat's team.

A partial view of my backyard....just before night fall.   I love lights and I'm a firm believer....the more lights, the merrier!

This two guys are best of friends....they have shared so much together, as both are Leukemia survivors.   They have spent several summers together, going to a camp for kids with cancer.   Thankfully....they are now...healthy young men.  

These two decided last make a trip to Columbus Ohio.....  to attend a "Concert."   Yes...they drove from TEXAS to Ohio to watch this concert.   They had VIP seats!
I was shaking my head...and praying for these two rascals to have a safe trip!  They made it back home this past Saturday, safe and sound.    

This guy right here.....the one in Blue on the left side of this picture.....GRADUATES from AF TECH school.....this coming Friday!  It has been a long 9 months of school, but he has gained so much knowledge and is ready to head out to his next base.    BUT...NOT BEFORE COMING HOME!!!!!   I'm guessing you can feel and hear my excitement as I type this.  
He will be home on July 5th!!!!!   I think he has like 17 days before reporting to the new base.  

I love this flag.   I love ALL American flags!
This one was on display at a vintage store that I went to yesterday.   Gosh....why did I not buy it????

Another picture of Tori....and this time Georgia, at Church camp!   This was tourist day.....but I think Tori must really like the orange mask.   Not sure that the mask goes with Tourist day!!!

A selfie of Sam and I, on our 45th Anniversary!
We had dinner at a place called Kiepersal.   Oh my...
you can't beat a meal of steak and lobster....!  Wonderful!!

Hugs to all.....


  1. Great pics!!
    Happy anniversary to you and Sam.

    Enjoy your holiday!!

    M : )

  2. My favorite is the picture of you and Sam. You are such a beautiful couple. I love your beautiful backyard! I love lights, too! I bet you could make this flag! It doesn't look too hard. And almost no sewing! The masks are fun, but I hope the visitors know that!

  3. I love the look of your back yard. All the lights give it a magical feel.


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