Tuesday, September 6, 2016

                           Ok.....So there's this AIRMAN
                               He kinda stole my heart

                               He calls me Shug.........

Totally loving my new T-shirt!!!

Our Airman has graduated and now it is on to New and Exciting things.   During the past few months....while away at Basics.... he met two of the sweetest friends!  I already love them both!!  

I wrote to both of them while they were in basics, and then...I finally got to meet them at graduation..    Both of them have  families that are so precious!!!

And....I must tell you that while Tyler was away, I wrote him everyday....sometimes twice a day!!  YIKES!!

Love this picture of him.......   It was VERY HOT the day of graduation!!

At the end of the ceremony.....the planes flew over!!


Isn't this Beautiful......     My heart melts!!

And my favorite......hugging his mom with his dad in the background!!

This is happiness my friends!!

After graduation.....we went into the big city to have some pizza...

Big Lou's Pizza

A 42" Pizza!!!!

There were 10 of us there to celebrate.......and we were not able to eat all of this Huge round Pizza!!

The coin ceremony, The Airman's run, and the graduation were all so awesome!    Made me Proud to be an American.   

Very Emotional experience......

Loving my Airman.....and my other two adopted Airman!!



  1. He is for sure someone to be so proud of! Love your pictures of the celebration. I have never seen a pizza this big in my life! But then again, everything is bigger in Texas. He sure looks great in the uniform, and I bet seeing it makes you tear up.

  2. That is so wonderful.Your love for your family comes through in each post.

  3. That's great! You definitely have a grandson to be proud of and it sounds like you had a wonderful visit!

  4. Oh how special. I know how proud you --and all of the family--- are of him and his accomplishments... I'm sure he'll continue to make all of you PROUD...

    Do you have anymore grands graduating this year???? It's fun --but hard--to see the kids grow up and leave home... God Bless Tyler --and his friends.


  5. Such a great post!!

    I have seen large slices of pizza but NOT
    like THAT!!

    M : )

  6. Hi Shug!

    Wow!! I can see why you are so proud of him, he just looks like a wonderful man!! Awesome t-shirt!! I am proud of him as well, thank him for me... :0)

    Beautiful pictures, brought tears to my eyes, just seeing him hug his mom.

    Huge pizza...we need one of those places here!


  7. What a special time this was for you. You can feel the love & pride you have in this young man. May I just say that is the hugest Pizza I have ever seen.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........