Monday, September 19, 2016

I love Vacations!

How many more days until Fall?   Two More Days!!

I sure wish that meant that cooler weather would be here in just two more days!  It was hot today and according to the weather is still going to be HOT the rest of the week.


Don't you just love vacation time?  I do!  Sam and I, along with two of our dear friends, left on the 10th for a 6 day trip to Cancun, Cozumel, and Plya Del Carmen.  

Can you imagine, Sam and three ladies on this trip.  He was a trooper and he was the one that kept us all organized.   He also speaks Spanish.....self taught, so he doesn't know all of the language, but he knew enough to keep us out of trouble.

This picture was taken on Sunday...the 11th.   We took a private tour around the island of Cozumel and what a great tour it was.   Our driver was Roger...and he did an excellent job at showing us so many of the hidden treasures around the island.   It was an awesome day!

A portion of our room!  So very nice!!

Just one of the many desserts that we enjoyed.    This was called......Key Lime Pie.   Oh was delicious!!!

This is a photo of our guide on the Catamaran.  He saw the Star Fish in the crystal clear water.....jumped in and brought these to the surface for us to see.   They were so big!!

We snorkeled ......(well...I tried to snorkel)  Sam and Susie were great at this.   Vicki and I put on the gear, but we mostly hung out at the back of the catamaran!  LOL.

Waiting on the Ferry to take us from Cozumel to Plya Del Carmen.    

Our view as we ate lunch....before going to swim with the Dolphins!   Can you believe that I actually did this?   I swam with the Dolphins!!!  Thanks to a nice life jacket.   So much fun!!

A selfie of myself on our porch.....that was only feet away from the pool.     Oh my goodness.....So relaxing!!

A evening view from our room and porch.

Sam and I with the Parrots.

We had such a GREAT time.    We are already planning for next year!!!     I Love vacations!!



  1. Oh how neat... Made me smile --especially the pictures of you all with the parrots... Love your black shirt which says "Pour me some sugar".... CUTE!!!!

    Sounds like Sam and his women had a great trip... Looked relaxing --kinda like our mountain trip last week. See my yesterday's blog post.


  2. You have some man to travel with such Zest on a Vacation with ladies. He is a Ladies man. Your blessed.

    Your pictures are beautiful Those birds are magnificent with radiant colors.

    You are a very pretty lady. You and hubby make a lovely couple.

    Thank you for Sharing with everyone. Looks like you all enjoying to the up most. No sudden sickness. The Lord is Good. Amen.


  3. I know that pictures only tell part of the story,but what I'm seeing shows that you had a great time.The scenes are amazing.

  4. Yet another great header. And this time you have hypnotized a bird. There is never a dull moment with you! I think you so much needed this rest and fun away from the norm. Your sunset picture is beautiful! I have never seen star fish like this! I knew you can even charm the birds out of the trees.

  5. What a beautiful place! I can't believe that parrot! LOL

  6. I'm so jealous. What a beautiful place. It's great to travel with someone who knows what they're doing, and the desserts! I'm always afraid a parrot will bite me!
    I can't wait to see your pictures next year. :D

  7. Your trip looks like so much fun ♥


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Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........