Friday, February 27, 2015

Footprints of Christian Love.....

These "Random Act's of Kindness" post, are very difficult for me...

~~ The reason why?  Because it is so easy for me to talk about the good things that others do, but when it comes to sharing "MY" goodness,, the story is hard to tell.   I just don't like giving myself a pat on the back...... ~

If...sharing my story Blesses someone, {anyone}..then I am willing to do my part in posting a RAK .

     I'm joining

It has been said, that "the most fashionable coat we will ever wear is one made of kindness and love."  Well...I suppose that I wore a pretty fashionable coat this week.

Has anyone ever let you down?  Perhaps a friend or just someone that you thought you knew, {better than you do?}
Have you been disappointed with the actions of others?

I have....and I know how it feels to find yourself feeling downhearted by the hoopla of others.

This week....I had the opportunity to totally ignore a situation like this, however.....I chose to give someone another chance.   I gave them a warm smile and kind word.

I looked at this as an opportunity to change the whole picture and to hopefully leave a footprint of my Christian Love, upon their life.   

Living life from the heart is extremely wonderful...


Thursday, February 26, 2015

A Fence We all Know....

 I must admit....I truly love the "OLD" kind of country, back road fences....But, sitting  high on my list would also be Baseball fences!  A fence we all know!

I grew up, watching my brothers play ball at the "Pig Pen".....better known as the BASEBALL field.  Those were the good ol' days.  There is no way to measure the amount of fun that all of us kids had.

I remember the day that my grandson stuck his  water bottle inside this fence.  It was a super hot day....about three years ago.  I have no idea why I took this picture...but, I'm glad I did.  Lots of great memories of this particular day!

I love everything about this picture....
The American Flag...the guys with their hand placed on their heart...the trees in the background, the FENCE....and of course, #12...our oldest grandson!!!

Again...I love this fence!!  AND...
the handsome guy in front of the fence.

Here is the Chain link fence again with that beautiful covering of yellow plastic that helps to protect the kids from injury!

Mylee Jo...{youngest Granddaughter} understands all about honoring our flag and our Country!

another yellow topped fence!!!

"Buddy" watching the game, and getting a little rest ever now and then.!!

A whole lot of children walk through the gates of these baseball fields!  Even at a early age, the game teaches them....
Self confidence, Respect, Team Work, Patience, and they also learn how to manage success as well as disappointments.

Most of all....Kids HAVE FUN!

{Grandson, Carson.....Early years!  Same grandson that stuck the water bottle in the fence}

Our family spends a whole lot of hours at the Baseball Park....

 I'm joining Good Fences today

Hugs to all...
Shug ~

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Complaining Does Not Burn Calories!

It is human nature, I suppose, for people to Complain!!  ...I wonder if they know that Complaining does not cause us to lose weight!!  LOL..

 I am amazed at all to the trivial things that people gripe and complain about...especially on Face Book.

For instance....we have had some bad weather in our area...this week. What would {you} think would be the PERFECT time to announce that school is cancelled?  Some gripe because the phone calls come too early...some gripe because they are not informed early enough!?!?!

 Posted as well, are things like this:  "the roads are way too bad to have school"  on the other's:  "the roads are not bad and I don't know why we have to take another bad weather day!"   Chronic Complainers!!!!!

Chronic Complainers go to extreme lengths to let everyone around them..."know how they feel."  Is this due to Bad Habits...learned, OR...because human nature binds some to the pessimistic way of life?

I want to shout to these folks....

1.  Get rid of your ugly habit of letting negative energy control your life.

2. RESPECT:  Respect those who have the difficult decisions of what is in the best interest of your child/children. 

3. Realize that this whole thing is not about YOU!!  

4. Let your children learn the POSITIVE side of life from you...Teach them to see the glass not just half full....BUT FULL!

5. Do not allow your complaining to become a bonding experience for you and your friends.

Oh my.....and now these people have me muttering!!!  Instead of me complaining on FB, I'm fussing about all the fuss on my BLOG!!   I apologize!!

  Bless those who always find fault and discontentment in life!  They need a little HONEY in their soul.

I don't know about you, but I prefer to embrace each new morning with a thankful spirit.    

{BTW....My favorite sentence here is my number 5.}

Blessings Y'all...

It's snowing here today!!

Shug ~ 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Wow...They are Powerful.

Still cold outside and there is still frozen pebbles of sleet on the ground.  YIKES!!! I have a Dr's appointment this morning, and..... I am so thankful that Sam will be driving me!!

It's the bridges that scare me.....Just the mention of Ice and Bridge {in the same sentence} makes the palms of my hands sweat.

In the Cold Winter Weather, Hot Chocolate is a must!


Do any of you watch 
"The Voice?"

Awe, Man......Sam and I watched it last night and I am so amazed at just how many people have such Talented voices!

I can't carry a tune in a bushel basket....or as us Texans might say..."Can't sing a lick" BUT, I would love to have beautiful vocal chords.

We all have "Bucket List" but, if I could have a "Miracle List"......Singing would be on the top of the list.   It would definitely take a miracle for me to have a voice to sing.

I love music and I can honestly say that through music, the Power of the Holy Spirit moves me.  Some of the old hymns and their lyrics....WOW, they are Powerful.

....My love for singing is not the Talent that God placed in my life.  No...God gave me different talents....I've yet to discover them completely....But, God has given me talents.   

What I must do is ask:  What potential powers of creativity has God given me, and how can I use these talents to bring Glory to God?

For now....I'll just have to keep watching the "Voice" and enjoy seeing others use their talented voices!!


Everyone...please be careful.  We have some nasty weather across the Nation.

shug ~

Monday, February 23, 2015

Ice in East Texas

We are having a little bit of ice/sleet here in East Texas.   

Nothing compared to other parts of the Country....but it doesn't take much for everything around here to come to a halt.

The schools are closed.

Some businesses are closed...

My Caroline Jasmine is getting ready to BLOOM..


a small amount of sleet, gathering in the forks of the trees...

Sleet on the roof top....

A good day for a nice big bowl of 

Taco soup!! good!!

Be safe everyone..

shug ~

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Hip-I-tus and a little Ice...

Good....Sunday Morning.

Our weather is changing!  The temps are changing and rain is on the radar.  Am I ready for this?  NO!  AND, to complicate things....Ice is expected tomorrow!  The real question is:  Am I, are we....ready for ICE?

The answer to that question is a Big NO!

It has been a very long time since we have had snow....however, I prefer snow over ice.....ANY DAY!

I know that whatever we won't be as bad as what other parts of the Country have been hit with.  My friend "Betsy from Tennessee" is still without power after a huge ice storm came through their area.  Prayers for that part of the Country.


I woke up during the night with "hip-I-tus!"

I don't really think this is the correct medical name for a hurting hip, but point is....MY HIP IS HURTING!

I'm thinking I need to change chairs!

My comfort place is ("ME") sitting at the end of our sofa with my left leg...tucked up underneath me.  Is it possible that this is the reason for my pain!  I think so!


Happy Sunday Morning, All.

Shug ~

Friday, February 20, 2015

No Matter How Small.....

I'm gonna to fess up!  I have been busy this week!!  

I haven't even had time to touch the "ON" button of my, NO cookies went out to others.

I did not have the time to make phone calls or to tell someone I was thinking of them.

Like my story last week....I never found the time to reach inside my purse for a few coins to help someone in need.

Makes me sad that I've been so consumed with the needs around me, that I put my RAK by the wayside....

What I did do was spend hours at the Nursing home with my dad.  As most of you know, my dad has Alzheimer's, and this has been a most difficult week for him.   

There was one day, when I sat with him for an extended length of time.  Can I tell you that I found myself being Blessed by just sitting there and watching the behaviors of each man who is a resident there with my dad.

These patients may not be able to understand what we have to say.. and, they may speak words that none of us can understand...but when it comes to their precious smiles...This is a language that we all can understand.

One guy just loves to wave... (like ever few minutes)  When I wave back at him...his face lights up with such a beautiful smile.

Another guy wanted to know if I knew anything about INSANITY.  I wanted to tell him that he could take a good look at me and he could quickly figure out this "insanity thing"   BUT...I just held his hand and said: "Lets talk about how handsome your are."  He didn't know anything about insanity, but he did know what handsome meant.   The reason I because he smiled from ear to ear and brushed his hair back.

You know...I could sense that my dad felt safe with me being there.  He held my hands and he talked and talked about the big ol'  farm that he grew up on.  And then, he would talk about things that he and his brother did (yesterday)....Of course, his brother passed away years ago.  

  Each day this week, as I walked out of the Nursing Home...I thanked God for all the warmth that I felt, coming from those who will never know, that THEY have made a difference in my life! dad has been admitted to the Hospital...I would certainly appreciate your prayers for him.

We must NOT dwell on the disease... We need only to value the moments, the pearls of wisdom, their smile and their humor.

May each of you be Blessed....

Shug !

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Fences across Texas

Do any of you realize just how many fences there are....just across the state of TEXAS?

My goodness....there are ALL KINDS OF FENCES, just about everywhere you look.

Last week, I was looking at my picture files, and to my surprise....I must LOVE fences much more than I imagined.   I have MANY photos of fences and gates.  

This picture gives me a double amount of joy..

Not only are the flowers gorgeous...but the fence behind it is, as well...

This photo was taken on the same property as the photo above.   Very Interesting to say the least.  

Garden Faces...Nature Faces...
I don't know...but, I do think that they are kinda cute!

It's not easy to see, but this old house has a small fence in front of it....
Perhaps the fence is to protect the property!!
What you think??

"Don't ever take a fence down until you know the reason why it was put up!"

I'm joining Good Fences Today....

Shug ~

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Another Side of Me...

Hey there friends....

Let me introduce you to another side of "ME" 

I warn you...It's not the good side!!  lol.

So, about a month ago, I started noticing a small, little shocking feeling when HOT or COLD touched a certain tooth.'s still happening today and I know without a doubt that I need to call the Dentist.

Why haven't I already done ask? Because "Stubborn Me" has been in control.

The cost of Dental work is SO EXPENSIVE and it seems like ever time I go....It ends up costing me anywhere between $500 and $2500.

You need a Root Canal....You need a Crown...You need a Post!!  Seems like this is the statement that I hear ever time I go.

(Maybe I exaggerated on the EVER TIME I GO) 
I always make sure I get my regular dental appointments and cleanings...

I Brush and Brush.....I floss, and I try to do everything possible to keep my teeth healthy.....but somehow, my teeth are prone to always needing work done.

With "SM" calling the shots here....I just might end up having to pay more than I would have had to pay...if only I had called the Dentist a month ago.  (I need to get rid of the Stubborn ME)

Sounds crazy, but I had rather PULL the tooth as to spend more money on my teeth.  Don't think this will work...since it would leave a big gap in my smile!

I have checked on Dental Insurance, but can never find anything that really pays very well on Dental needs, and it is too  expensive as well!

Many of you may be asking....Is this all that you have to blog about today?  NO.... just thought you might want to meet the stubborn me.
and..... to say that my being so pigheaded is not GOOD!!

I just called my Dentist and according to my dental records....I will more than likely be having a root canal done!!  ARGH!

I see the Dentist in the morning at 8:00. 

Hope all is your corner of the World.

Shug ~

Sunday, February 15, 2015


Look what is happening around here.....

Gorgeous...Bright colored Daffodils are opening the window that has kept them in the dark for the past few months.   

My Daffodils are the very first sign that Spring is getting closer.

This picture was taken at the farm...

I can only believe that there once was a Farmhouse close by....and that these flowers have been returning every year since way back yonder!!

I enjoy seeing them each year.  

This week....the forecast calls for the possibility of some snow flakes.  WHAT?

We have enjoyed some gorgeous days as of late....with temps in the mid 70's...and (NOW) the snow wants to come?

I love seeing snow, but I also love the beauty in the daffodils...which are styling some wonderful color.

I suppose we shall wait and see...

Hugs Y'all.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Acts of Kindness....

Happy Friday all.....

Sometimes, my intentions are entirely put together in my mind...and then Life takes over and I am not quite able to complete the goals that I originally set.  

My goal for this week was to join:

Betsy @

for her Random Acts of Kindness party.....

Although, I did not come up short on following through with the ACT OF KINDNESS part.....I was not able to provide any photos to go along with my post. :(

                           Borrowed Photo

My kiddos are always saying "I've Got This"
.....meaning that they will help me out.

Funny thing how we pick up "Lines" from one another!!

This week...while doing my grocery shopping, there was a young mom checking out just in front of me.  Her hands were full with a bundle of joy.  She needed 72 more cents to complete her transaction, but was struggling to find the change in her purse, and to balance everything else that she had in her hands.

Before I knew it.....I said: "I'VE GOT THIS"
and I immediately pulled out the needed 72 cents to finish paying for her ticket. 

It wasn't that she didn't have the was the labor of finding it. 

I know that this is a small gesture when it comes to acts of kindness, but even the small things can make a difference in "The moment."

"The Fragrance of the Rose lingers on the hand of the giver"

Blessings to you all....
Enjoy this beautiful Friday....


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Limes and Fences.....

I dearly LOVE being a Southern girl.  I LOVE saying Y'ALL and I LOVE things like drinking Ice Tea with a nice big slice of
LIME.....on the rim of the glass.

It does not matter the in the South, we drink Iced Tea...YEAR Round..

While traveling the back roads in deep South Texas....this past weekend....I found some folks who also MUST love lime...such as in the color LIME!

Lime House..Lime Shed...Lime wrought Iron!!

            Lime FENCE!!

Sure caught my eye....

Thought this was a cute saying!!

Hope you enjoy your day...

I'm joining Good Fences 


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Raining Cats and Dogs.....

Our family had the sweetest time last evening...  We attended Mylee Jo's, 1st Grade program.....

It was all about Cats and Dogs!

This precious angel who is also known as SASSY....melts my heart!

Some of you that follow me on FB have probably already seen my take on being 
a super Proud Shug, aka...Mylee's Grandmother.

Mylee's music teacher is awesome!
The program was not only adorable....But it also included a Beautiful message.

As we all know...Cats and Dogs do not always get along.  The stage was separated with dogs on one side and cats on the other....

Each child had a "line" or two in the play...

The message?   Cat's and Dog's do not get along....  Or CAN (DO) they?

The ending of the program proved that they can be the Best of friends....

In Life....the same holds true..
We are all different...Our backgrounds, our looks, our behaviors, beliefs, and daily actions all differ from one another...


We should all show kindness and treat others as we would prefer to be treated!

"So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the law and the prophets."

     Matthew 7:12

 Good job First Graders!!

Shug ~

Pecan Trees

  A view that I never get tired of looking at!! Pads and Pads of growing Pecan Trees! From pots filled with seedlings to one year trees or t...