Sunday, February 22, 2015

Hip-I-tus and a little Ice...

Good....Sunday Morning.

Our weather is changing!  The temps are changing and rain is on the radar.  Am I ready for this?  NO!  AND, to complicate things....Ice is expected tomorrow!  The real question is:  Am I, are we....ready for ICE?

The answer to that question is a Big NO!

It has been a very long time since we have had snow....however, I prefer snow over ice.....ANY DAY!

I know that whatever we won't be as bad as what other parts of the Country have been hit with.  My friend "Betsy from Tennessee" is still without power after a huge ice storm came through their area.  Prayers for that part of the Country.


I woke up during the night with "hip-I-tus!"

I don't really think this is the correct medical name for a hurting hip, but point is....MY HIP IS HURTING!

I'm thinking I need to change chairs!

My comfort place is ("ME") sitting at the end of our sofa with my left leg...tucked up underneath me.  Is it possible that this is the reason for my pain!  I think so!


Happy Sunday Morning, All.

Shug ~


  1. Hope you find quick relief for that hip pain. I have been having some as well and I know its from too much sitting,but what else can I do when I have orders to stay off my foot?

  2. oh my gosh, I know this pain, I sit the same way, I keep trying to check myself and sit differently but its soooo hard to remember!!!
    Take care of that hip!!

    The snow photo is lovely, we have been buried in it all winter but i still love it,

  3. That is exactly the way I sit, too!
    Age is great, except for the aches and pains that come unexpectedly.

  4. I know about hipitis! I had bursitis of both hips about ten years ago. YES, the way you sit could be the culprit! If so, it is an easy fix. I love your header! Beautiful colors, and it shouts SPRING! You are both so cute in the snow picture! The only thing worse than ICE is TORNADOES!! Give me snow any day!

  5. Well it seemed to jump over to CA.

    I got up out of my husband's chair..and hip stated acting up. I'm better now that I'm up walking around and we did go to church. Just a little tender this afternoon

    Hope you pain goes away real soon.

  6. I just hate it when my comfort position starts hurting me! That just seems so unfair. I hope you don't get too bad of an ice/snow. We actually had freezing temperatures a couple of days here, with highs just in the high 40s. That's cold for here in Florida (watch for citrus prices to go up). But of course I don't copmlain much because it is so much worse other places. And that cold was short-lived here.

  7. Be safe and tuck yourself in
    and drink hot chocolate!

    M : )

  8. Shug..I sure hope your hip is feeling better. I know how painful that can be. Yes, I'd change how I sit and see if that helps.

    Blessings and prayers for healing,

  9. No, we DO NOT want this ice thing they are predicting. Arghhhh.... Even though I know we have nothing to whine about compared to the others in the Siberian front. =(

    Sitting causes me to have hip-I-tis too, Shug! ;) Hope you are feeling better soon! (Cody Carter, chiropractor, gets me on the go again faster.)

    Stay warm and safe. blessings ~ tanna


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 Thank you all for your many prayers.  I am feeling better and was able to get some medications when we got back to Texas. I wish that I cou...