Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Hodge- Podge Talk

Good Wednesday morning.......

I have a nice size pot of pinto beans cooking on the stove and I'm thinking I'll choose Meatloaf for the meat of the day....Sounds GOOD, doesn't it?   This gives us a protein, a complex carb......and now to choose a veggie.   What would you serve?

In my mind, I think of beans as a vegetable, but they are actually complex carbs.  


This is what I call a shovel......

 With a shovel like the one sure wouldn't take long to move this big pile!!

I always know that Fall is just around the corner when I see the huge loads of "SAWDUST" being delivered!!

Yes, this is a huge pile of sawdust and it is used to package trees!   Some of the trees are dug "bareroot" and then they are placed in tall bags and then filled with damp sawdust.  

This keeps the trees alive!!   You probably have seen many of the packaged trees at Lowe's, Home Depot, Walmart, or other Garden centers.   Most likely, a good many of these trees come from Texas Pecan Nursery..

And there you have it......The answer is  "Sawdust."


I am soooo ready for a Fall trip!!  Up North, SOMEWHERE, would make my heart sing!!

God is So Good!!

Shug ~


  1. Hi There, I have the PERFECT trip for you all. Come to TENNESSEE and I'll get to meet you and Sam. We can go to the Smokies and see the beautiful colored leaves...

    Your meal sounds good. I'd serve a green veggie with that meal... Maybe some green beans ---or a salad. This time of year -with all of the fresh veggies, I'd also slice a tomato and some cucumbers and put them on our plates...


  2. Hi Shug!

    Pinto beans sound wonderful - as does meatloaf! I always think of beans as being another protein, as well as a complex carb - I love beans, and they are so good for you! I would have broccoli or green beans, two of my favs!

    Sawdust!! Well, it could of been worse, if you know what I mean... ;0)


  3. I would never have guessed! Last night I thought maybe they were digging to build a new store. I did not know about the sawdus,t so I learned something today. Well, they say everything is bigger in Texas, so the shovel is as well! Your fall picture at the bottom is beautiful! You just can't beat where we live in the Blue Ridge Mountains when it is fall! People come from miles around in the fall and all the hotels are booked up. Still, I have always wanted to visit Maine or somewhere in New England in the fall!

  4. I would never have guessed sawdust. Enjoy that yummy meal and start planning that fall trip.

  5. your supper sounds wonderful!
    had no idea about the saw dust...
    and YES! a trip to see the leaves change color would be nice. A trip north definitely.
    I'll tell you though...since we live so close to each other. I found out while driving my hubby to V.A. clinic in Palestine-- that Hwy 19 is a Texas Forest Trail. Sometimes, we are lucky enough to see the Fall ushered in with changing leaves. and it's beautiful. But living in Texas... we just never know if we'll see such beautiful color.
    but your picture makes it look so dreamy!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Something New

  If you've ever wondered just how much of a Texas twang I might have, today is your day to find out.  I recorded this little video this...