Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Fall is......

Happy September!!

Tuesday, September 23 is the actual start of the 2014 Fall Season, however.....any store or shop would have you believe different.

Fall is everywhere in the stores!!

Everything is out there.....except for the fresh pumpkins!!

I always know that Fall is getting near when I see this....

Can anyone guess what it is??

The answer comes tomorrow!!

The Pollards are patiently waiting for FALL....



  1. Nice thoughts, but I'm definitely not ready for fall, that means snow and ice are close behind. That mound of dirt is either one large ant hill or since you said you see it in the fall, it's a dirt house to hold pumpkins. In other words, I don't have a clue. :-)

  2. Hi Shug!

    I'm ready for Fall, maybe... ;0) Here in Idaho, they harvest grain, hay, barley, and potatoes, and the dust just does me in! I have asthma, and I can't even go outside and enjoy the weather without being sick for the next few days...bummer! Maybe if I lived in the city it would be better, but I love my country home!

    Well, as far as that pile of brown stuff, it would be called fertilizer here in my neck of the woods, but, I'm pretty sure I'm wrong...

    I heard that in some places they are already putting out Christmas things, crazy!


  3. I am already enjoying the cooler evenings and nights.

  4. I cannot wait to find out what that big mound of dirt is!! I have NO idea! We already have the big pumpkins here! And I need to get in gear and start decorating. Your polka dot pumpkin is TOO cute!


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