Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Pink Glittered Heart

I was so impressed with how the sun made the glitter on the sidewalk send out gorgeous rays of nothing but pure BEAUTY.  Our daughter (Trista) has this thing about glitter.....she loves it and wants everything in her life to shine.   I like it too!!

My header photo was taken this past weekend, during our photo shoot of Tyler and Kelsey all dressed up for the Prom.  Just thought that it would make for an interesting shot.

Speaking of glitter......I am totally convinced that I have Pink Glittered Heart inside of me.

I have great Love in my heart for people, but I also have great Compassion for people as well.  It truly bothers me to see people unhappy.  Most of the time, their unhappiness comes from unhealthy decisions for which they have made in life. heart bleeds pink glitter when it comes to those that are hurting.

I have always loved things that shine.   I will be the first to admit, that I love all the clothes, shoes, handbags, and other accessories that are out now....THAT SHINE!   You had better believe that I am the very one that is always looking for something to wear that shines.  (I know, I my husband would say...."Shug, you shine no matter what you're wearing.")  Bless his heart....he certainly needs his vision checked (immediately)

For me, the shine factor does not stop with clothing......I get a huge thrill out of seeing huge smiles on people's faces....A huge smile is like glitter shining in the sun.     It would be so nice if I had the same ability that tinker bell has.....instead of throwing out pixie dust, I would love to be able to share some of the pink glitter that wraps itself around my heart.... with people that I know who have hurting hearts.

I'm thankful for the tons of compassion and Love for which God has blessed me with..... HE often reminds me that I need to allow my Pink Glittered Heart to dance for me too!!!  I simply need to give myself permission to back away especially when I have emptied too much of my shine on needs that I have no control of.  

May you see Pink as you Shine among the Stars!

Shug ~


  1. your husband is right, you do sparkle, I love this post,

  2. You made me think of the song Shiny Happy People by R.E.M. :) That's you! You have a special way, through your blog and elsewhere, of scattering sunshine wherever you go. Do keep a little bit for yourself as God wants YOU to be happy, too. :)

    I am also reminded of a quote by Normal Vincent Peale:
    "The way to happiness: keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry. Live simply, expect little, give much. Fill your life with love. Scatter sunshine. Forget self, think of others. Do as you would be done by. Try this for a week and you will be surpised."

    So true!

  3. Shug
    The Lord has sure blessed you with a compassionate heart! It's truly a gift from him.

  4. You make me want to go out and buy bottles of glitter! I DO have many tubes of glitter glue...but for good pictures it needs to be real glitter. What strikes me here is a very important thing you added. If you try to help and it does not change things and you can do nothing about it, step back!!!! I have been dealing with this myself. And I think maybe a higher power has prompted you to post this just for ME!!!! There is a big difference between helping and interfering, and I need to find that line!!

  5. Even though we have not yet met in person,I believe that you radiate joy to all around you. It comes through in your posts.That Pink Glitter is just spilling out all over.

  6. Hi Shug, You definitely are a glittery/shiny person.. Your entire personality just glows!!!!!!! That's what we love about you..

    Keep on sparkling...

  7. What a great reminder and lesson. I've always been facinated with glitter too. Thank you for your post! Your daughters are almost as pretty as their mom! I was just looking at that little shoe and thinking,"some people wear shoes like that". Torture, torture!

  8. A great reminder of what it really means to "sparkle"!


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