Sunday, May 20, 2012


Whatcha think?  Isn't this a beautiful old house.....

It's the "Gruene Mansion Inn" located in Gruene, Texas.

This is a great place for a weekend get-away!  I love this place!!

Who wouldn't, with shops like:

Fickle Pickles Antique and Pickles
Tipsy Gypsy
Cactus Jacks
Black Swan Antiques
Gruene Antique Company
and.....Pookie Jane's

Did I mention that the "Guadalupe"
river runs through this part of the area?  It is gorgeous and FUN, FUN, FUN to go tubing down....

Next weekend, I can promise that this quaint little place will be jammed with river rats...(as in people who love the river)

I'm ready to GO!  

Walk in some sunshine today!!



  1. I love that house.Get me a cold lemonade and chair on that porch and I could be happy for hours.

  2. You have reservations for here next weekend? How wonderful!

  3. Looks like a GREAT place to relax and visit!

  4. Love that house AND the name "Typsy Gypsy". What fun!

  5. It's beautiful - have you spent the weekend there?? sandie

  6. One of the things I love about your blog, (and there are many) is that you blog about places I used to visit and still love and think about! Thank you for those little pieces of memories from the homeland! Ever stay at the Stagecoach Inn in Salado?

  7. Love that old house.. It looks so AMERICAN.... I'd love to be a river rat --but not on Memorial Day Weekend --or when it is crowded in summer...


  8. That's on my bucket list, Shug!! ;) Enjoy!! blessings ~ tanna

  9. I agree! What a gorgeous old home this is!!

  10. I agree! What a gorgeous old home this is!!

  11. Gruene is a fun, quaint little town. German food is what I remember...Anyway, love that old home and the patriotic decor on the balconies. Sounds like a grand time. Thanks for sharing!!!


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