Saturday, May 19, 2012

Wash Tub and Baseball

It's Saturday, and I would love to be doing this.......Today's temps are suppose to reach into the low 90's.      ALREADY???

Instead of enjoying the coolness of the pool or the lake, I will be doing this........ 

Watching some baseball, and sizzling in the hot sun!

We have (3) games today!  One at 11:00, one at 12:00, and one at 2:00....
Right smack dab in the middle of the day!!

I love watching the kids play ball, but today.....I would rather be 

What do you all have planned for such a beautiful day??


shug !



  1. It is really hot here too already. We've been up to 105 and that is way tooooooo hot tooooooooo early. Wear a hat and something cool. Enjoy. Hugs, Marty

  2. I love that first picture, I had forgotten about blowing bubbles in the tub! Take care and bring plenty of drinks!!! Keep hydrated!

  3. that wash tub photo is priceless! I have had to start a new blog , I hope you might find me again I have called it when the bough broke,,

  4. We're finally getting warm weather here too! Used to love going to the boys' baseball games but will have to wait a few years for our grandson to do that. You have a great time and cheer on the team, Shug!!!

  5. I agree with Ginny - keep hydrated! I got dehydrated in the heat once and learned the hard way!

    We've been enjoying sunny but cool days - cool enough to wear my windbreaker!

  6. It's been a long time since i have blown bubbles in a tub! And I hope you wear your sunscreen! sandie

  7. Oh, I remember those days of sitting on hot bleachers or in my lawn chair baking in the sun watching ball games! We're gonna be hot here today, too, so if I'm outside I'll be in the shade. Once I've watered all the flowers, that is.
    Enjoy the games...hope your team wins!

  8. It has been terribly hot yesterday and today. I love the wash tub photo. Happened upon your blog while visiting some blogging friends. I am now following with GFC. I hope you have a great week.

  9. hope y'all had great ball games. It was a beautiful day... though starting to get a bit warm! ;) I love the first photo... brings back wash tub memories of my own! LOL! blessings ~ Tanna


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