Monday, May 21, 2012

Much Deeper Thoughts

Good Monday Morning Y'all.....

Can you believe that "JUNE" is almost here?
This is the last Monday of the school year...
Crazy thing won't be the last Tuesday.

That's right....our kids are out of school this coming Friday and the following Monday for the Memorial Day Holiday, but they will return on Tuesday, May 29th and their last day of school will be Thursday, May 31st.

I am so ready for them to be out!!


Last evening, I attended a meeting and the topic of this meeting was about 


This is a big word.......and it's a big challenge  for each of us...
How far are we willing to go when it comes to showing compassion?

Are we way too eager to delay our actions?
Do we keep blindfolds secured in our pockets, knowing that we can quickly pull them out when we witness a need? we only reach out to others, when we can be assured that their need does not come in conflict with something that we WANT to do......

I can truly say that I have always had a compassionate heart, I allowing this compassion to be used, or am I just playing a game?  Making moves only when it is comfortable for me!!

This is definitely a topic that I will be exploring with some much deeper thoughts!!

Blessings Friends....



  1. I love to start my day here. You always have something provocative or uplifting to say. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  2. Our kids up here typically get out a lot later than the Southern schools, but this year is relatively early -- June 8th. Never happened that early while I was teaching!!

    Compassion and forgiveness -- two very powerful words.

  3. A great post, yet again, Shug. You always make me think and in the best way.

  4. Hmmm...definitely an issue to ponder. God knows our hearts even better than we do. It certainly would be something to pray about and ask God to reveal. Keep us posted!

  5. Wonderful post! The children finish school here this week.
    Have a wonderful week!

  6. You my friend are compassionate. Sandie

  7. Hi Shug, Compassion is a big word... I think of it as meaning having pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.... I'm sure it's bigger than that...

    I think that it's okay to have concern ---but sometimes it's not up to us to provide action on these issues. Sometimes, prayers and simple things --such as cards or phone calls--sometimes are adequate...

    Sometimes, people try to do TOO much to 'fix' the situation... That may or may not be good for the person with the situation --or for the person being compassionate..

    My thoughts are just to keep a healthy balance..

  8. Compassion could almost be translated as love in action, what do you think, Shug?


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Something New

  If you've ever wondered just how much of a Texas twang I might have, today is your day to find out.  I recorded this little video this...